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Laughing And Crying Over Awkward Sex

Laughing And Crying Over Awkward Sex

We’ve all been there. Whether alone or with a partner or even a whole group, we’ve all done something completely and undeniably awkward during sex. And we’re not talking a misplaced finger or an unfortunate sound (farts won’t make the cut here, everybody has farted during sex). Truly awkward sex moments can define your day, month or even year. Sometimes it takes that long to get over them!

Nothing to see here

If you’re lucky, you’re with someone who just let’s the whole incident slide. So what if she caught you making kissy faces at yourself in the mirror while she was blowing you. Big deal if he rolled over after having sex with you, only to activate the vibrator you’d stashed under the other pillow. Letting these incidents go with anything more than a giggle and a smile is likely the best possible situation. If you find someone like that, hold on tight and don’t let go (unless they want you to, because, hey, consent).

If you’re not so lucky, you could encounter a couple of other types, one worse than the other.

Maybe you try to slip a condom on, but forget you haven’t taken it from the wrapper. Wow does your guy ever laugh when you try to jam the harder plastic over the end of your cock! And then tease you about it. Over and over again. Depending on how thick your skin is and the type of relationship you have, it might be possible to just let this sort of thing go. Or you can even join in. A little self-deprecating humour can be fun. But you do always need to make it clear to your partner that a joke is funny if it doesn’t go too far.

Know the limits

And taking it too far could also happen when someone takes your gaffe too seriously and is completely wounded by your action. If you do something on purpose and are a dick, well, yes, your partner can get angry with you and it is justified. But if you do something accidentally, like slap them in the head with a crop when you were on the backswing of a delicious spank, then you might need to consider your relationship. Mishaps happen in sex all the time. From leaning on someone’s hair to pulling out a pube that is stuck in your teeth during oral or even actual injuries, the physicality of sex makes it the perfect storm for understandable accidents. If the person you’re with doesn’t understand this, they’ve been having really boring sex in their lives.

Of course, your awkward sex moments take on a whole different level of eek when they involve other unwitting individuals. Parents, law enforcement, roommates, children. Anyone else who is party to your unfortunate faux pas has, pretty much, free reign over how they want to handle it with you. Did your rambunctious fun put a hole right through a wall into somebody else’s room? Did you get caught jerkin’ it on the living room couch, forgetting what time everybody else would be coming home? You might get teased mercilessly or it might get ignored - I’d be hoping for the latter!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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