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Take Your Pleasure To The Edge

Take Your Pleasure To The Edge

One of the most common abilities on sexual wishlists is the desire for sex to last longer. Everybody wants those amazing feelings to continue for as long as possible, but once some hot and heavy action starts, it can be irresistible to stop the flood of sexy sensation. And then it is done and your body comes down and you usually have to wait a while for everything to start back up again.

But sex doesn’t have to go down like that—whether you’re going down or going all the way! It is possible, and potentially very pleasurable, to prolong your sexual activities as long as you want, if you’ve got the patience. It isn’t easy, but edging can introduce you to amazing new heights of pleasure.

What is edging?

Edging is the intentional stopping of sex action with the goal of drawing out and prolonging your sexual session. Anyone of any gender or sexuality can edge—but it definitely isn’t as easy as it sounds. Some people edge for short amounts of time, others for hours. Edging takes significant body control, willpower and patience. But the benefits can be totally worth it.

And those benefits of edging are many! Many folk view sex as an intimate activity and use it to connect with their partner. If you are trying to edge with a partner, the two of you will have to be on the same page. This promotes great discussion and closeness. You’ll also experience much more physical contact throughout edging sex. Another benefit is amplified orgasm. Many people who are keen on edging report that orgasms that have been delayed and teased over a period of time can be much stronger and last longer. Men can also produce more ejaculate, if you’re into that. And the most basic benefit is simply more sex! As you edge, you take periods of rest... but those are followed up by more hot action. More, more, more!

As previously noted, orgasm can be an irresistible event sometimes—particularly for men. Once you start you can’t stop! While edging, it is imperative that you learn to stop and remove, or at least limit, the direct physical stimulation. For women, edging might work a bit differently. As opposed to stopping orgasm, it might seem more like a continual building of pleasure. For both, as the session plays out, your sensations will start to look likes peaks and valleys. Up, up, up! And then slowly slide down. And then up, up, up! And then slide down again.

Experience edging

But before you jump into attempting edging with a partner, play with the sensations on your own. Set aside a good time to masturbate when you have some time. Enjoy your body and bring yourself close to orgasm, but then stop. Rest. Continue being stimulated (don’t go washing dishes in between) and let your body relax. You’ll be all worked up, but give it some time. When your penis softens or your vagina stops pulsing, then slowly start touching yourself again. Enjoy your stimulation and feel the excitement build anew. If you feel yourself going over the edge, try to stop by either thinking or physical action. There will surely be times when you lose site of your goal in orgasmic bliss, but with practice you will learn and then be able to take this new skill to your partner.

Edging is one of those sexual activities that is readily available to anyone who wants to try it. No devices, no equipment necessary. Just your own desire to bring you and your partner new sexual pleasures.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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