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The Bombay Night Frog And The Froggy Style Sex Position

The Bombay Night Frog And The Froggy Style Sex Position

We’ve all heard of doggie style, right? Well, are you ready for froggy style?

Probably not. While the connections between human sexual behaviour and our friends in the animal kingdom can be very strong at times, the mating style particular to the Bombay night frog isn’t one that is likely to turn too many people into horny toads.

Horny hoppers

Here’s what these curious critters are getting up to. Frogs and toads around the world usually partake in six different mating positions. That is across approximately 7000 different species doin’ it with these six moves. Kinda sounds more exciting than the big three humans use, eh? Well along comes the Bombay night frog and these randy rascals show up with some different behaviour. They pull out a seventh froggy style and this has researchers very excited.

Now, I am sure you’re wondering: what the hell can this seventh frog sex position be and how do we get in on this action? Well, I’m not entirely sure most people will be keen. I’m not saying everybody will be turned off...some will definitely get a glimmer in their eye. But for the most part...the frogs can have this one.

So, here it goes: the female frog lays still against a tree, leaf or wherever. The male then mounts her from behind in a “dorsal straddle,” holding himself just above her, holding onto the leaf or branch. He then releases his sperm all over her back. The male frog moves on and his sperm trickles down her back. She has now released her eggs and here’s where potential fertilization can happen. doesn’t sound too appealing does it. I mean, if you’re into blowing a load on a woman’s back and she’s fine with receiving that jizz as her only sexual contact, well, frog it up. But this type of sex is purely of the procreative variety, something I imagine humans evolved past, I’m guessing, within about 20 minutes of the first time two people came into contact with each other.

At the same time, these Bombay night frogs might have more in humans beyonding their dorsal straddling. They exhibit some other behaviours that are actually rare in frog and toad species, but that display similarities to human behaviours.

Amazing amphibians

The first is that the female Bombay night frogs also call out during mating season. If you live in an area of the world that has indigenous frogs and toads and you live near or marsh, river or lake they inhabit, you’ve no doubt heard the loud croaks and calls of these very loud critters. Well, they’re out there trying to arrange a booty call! However, this is, among frogs and toads, primarily a male action. Not so with the Bombay night frogs. The females also call out to prospective mates. Human women were discouraged from doing this for a long time, but not anymore.

The other similarity is something that has, to a degree changed over time for humans too. It seems there is a fair bit of fighting among Bombay tree frogs for the mating attention of particular females. This is something that was much more prevalent with humans in the past that we’ve, by and large, gotten away from. But it certainly used to be a thing. And the frogs are still jockeying for that position.

So, what can we take away from this? Froggy style is probably pretty messy.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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