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How To Introduce Fetish Into Your Relationship

How To Introduce Fetish Into Your Relationship

We all have little quirks and eccentricities - especially when it comes to sex. Everybody has preferences, specificities and special little thrills. For some, it is easy to get these as they come but not focus on them during most sexual encounters. For others, their individual sex needs can become powerful stimuli that must be engaged during most, if not all, sexual situations.

The catch-all word for this type of sexual need is fetish. Having a fetish means that you have a particularly strong desire to include non-sexual objects in sexual play. To break it down further, there are actually two other, more specific words to describe fetish. A paraphilia is the strong sexual desire for non-sexual objects, situations and people. Examples of paraphilia's are clothing and shoes and park sex. Partialism is the intense sexual interest of non-sexual body parts and can include deep desire of feet, hair or pretty much any other part of the body!

As these interests fall out of the mainstream view of sex, many fetishes have been deemed deviant or problematic. While some of them certainly can be, most are innocent and simple ways to achieve desired sexual stimulation. However, that stigma remains over all this deemed fetishistic, and as such, if you do have a specific fetish, it might be challenging to bring that up with your partner.


Be confident and communicate well

The key to introducing your fetish to your partner or playmate is being confident in your identity and needs - and then being able to communicate them. Of course, this is easier said than done if you enjoy a practice that not everyone enjoys. When it comes to sex, we’re all familiar with typical genital/oral/anal adventures, but if you’d like to introduce your partner to your own brand of fun, you need to be ready to explain and, if all goes well, guide that person on a new journey. It may be scary at first, but you need to explain your needs in the clearest way possible.

One such method is by introducing the subject after jointly seeing it on film, in an article or even a song. You can even guide that situation by selecting a movie to watch together that includes a scene of that sort. Perhaps you’re interested in being submissive... pop in a copy of the wildly popular movie Secretary. Not only is it sexy as hell, but you can also make comments about how you’d like to be paddled, bound and in servitude to your partner in the post-film chat.


Drop hints

If you have a particular body part partialism, drop some hints about your partner’s particular parts for a while and then outright compliment them. If you’re into feet, notice your partner’s toes and mention how you find them sexy. Offer massages and pampering, especially on hard days. This is both a great way to relax together and get potential good times rolling. As you care for your partner through massage, you can also demonstrate how much their feet (or whichever part) turn you on.


Be honest with your needs

Hopefully, any time you introduce your fetish to someone, you will be embraced and you can try new and exciting things together. Unfortunately, it is possible they won’t share your enthusiasm. It is important to remember that fetishes aren’t always shared. If you two are lovely in all other ways, be sure to communicate in clear ways how you can navigate your need and your partner’s sexual autonomy. Maybe you’ll get your kicks with porn... maybe you’ll open up your relationship to include others who share your predilection. These are possibilities that require honest discussion. On the other hand, if it is just a casual thing... maybe you need to find a new casual thing.

Fetish is a natural and powerful part of many people’s lives that can neither be taken for granted nor ignored. Opening up that conversation may be intimidating, but it can also ignite great sparks of fun.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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