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Masterpiece! Playing With Body Paint

Masterpiece! Playing With Body Paint

There are many different ways we dress up our sex. From lingerie to cosplay to fancy shoes to fetish wear, transforming our and our partners’ looks can add sexy new spice to a sexual relationship.

However, adding clothes and accessories to the mix can sometimes create a significant conundrum. If you really like the feel of your partner’s skin, you’ve now got a barrier in the way. And some outfits might actually be true barriers that you eventually have to remove in order to move on to different activities. And that can ruin the desired effect of the outfit.

There is, however, a different way to explore and experiment with different body looks, while at the same time introducing sexy fun and new sensations.

Body as map

Sexy body paints are a great way to travel your partner’s body, applying paint all over and in whatever look you desire. Perhaps you’ve always fantasized about wild and outrageous colours all over your partner’s body. Or even something dark and mysterious. You definitely don’t have to be a skilled artist to see a beautiful creation come to life on your partner. With their naked flesh as your canvas, you are bound to create and then enjoy a beautiful work of art.

Part of the appeal of playing with body paint isn’t really trying to create a masterpiece on your significant other. Rather, it is the tactile sensation for the person receiving the brush or finger strokes as they glide over skin with moist pigment. You can paint each other at the same time or one at a time and you can tempt with a silky brush or get messy and use your hands. The key here is a lot of delicious touch and closeness.

Sexy by numbers

Body paints can also be an extremely useful instructional sexual aid for new lovers and those who need a refresher course on the joys their partner likes to experience. You can use body paint on yourself to sensually show your partner the parts you like to be touched the most. And then your partner can use a different colour to indicate the parts they like to touch on you. Both of you can do this exercise to get a true idea of what your partner loves most about sex with you and how you can help your sexytimes move to the full heights of pleasure.

If you’d like to experience the sensual delights of sexy body paint, there are two logistical things to consider first. When you pick the paint you want to play with, be sure to check whether or not it will stain any fabrics it might get on to. You do not want to ruin nice bed sheets, clothes or carpets. Most sexy body paints are water soluble, but just in case, read the labels and even do a spot test.

Spot check first

The other consideration is to ensure your and your partner’s bodies agree with the paint. Before you do a full-on sexypainttime session, do a spot test with the paint on your skin. Again, these products are generally safe for everyone, but you don’t want to cover someone in bright red paint only to find them bright red with rash underneath after you rinse the body paint away.

Are you ready to be a pervy Picasso or randy Rembrandt?

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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