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Up With Prostate Pleasure Stigma!

Up With Prostate Pleasure Stigma!

The prostate is like a hidden, magical jewel in a movie. There’s a vague understanding of its existence, some doubters that it actually has any power and a dedicated group of followers who are out to prove that it not only exists but it is as amazing as everyone says it is. Eventually, through shenanigans, mishaps, adventures and steep odds, those dedicated folks seize the day, find the jewel and everyone reaps the benefits of its power.

As male sexuality emerges from the dark ages of “have penis, will have sex,” we are learning all about that little jewel tucked inside the body, most accessible through the anal cavity. For so long, little was known about both the health benefits and erotic potential of prostate stimulation. And even when we heard of its awesomeness, there were many skeptics and homophobes that said we shouldn't be stickin’ things or fingers up dude’s bums, that that was somehow wrong. There has been a strong current of stigma and foolishness to swim against.

Coming out of the dark... ages

Fortunately, those dedicated folks? They're growing in number and becoming louder all the time. More and more prostate proselytizers are joining the fold and coming out with clear intentions to teach the world the importance of the prostate. One such example is this amazing Prostate 101 guide, in which you will find everything you need to know about the sexual and health potential of the prostate.

But where do we go from here? Sure, prostate pleasure, pegging and male assplay in general is gaining a foothold in the sexual world, but it is still considered taboo by some. What can be done to expand the reach of prostate proselytizers? Is there any way this divine act will ever become as accepted and natural as blowjobs and female anal sex?

That’s a hard thing to answer, and goes down many layers. There are still a lot of people who view the male derriere as off-limits for sex. Too many men consider any anal play to be “gay” and, ultimately, demasculating. And women fall into that trap too. Why can’t there be a little love passed the prostate’s way?

Incorporating prostate play into sex ed

One thing that might help spread the word is clear, no-nonsense approaches to sex education that include prostate massage and stimulation. Many parts of the world have abysmal public sex ed and even among those that do have something more than “DON’T DO IT” rarely teach about the prostate. You’ll get to talk about the penis, the vagina, maybe the vulva and periods, conception, birth, body hair and smelly armpits. Of course, people need to learn about all of this, but they also need to learn much, much more. It really is time to expand sex ed!

I really appreciate works that are getting out there and spreading the word about spreading your cheeks for prostate fun. Maybe some day it will become a “regular” sex act and it won’t be taboo. Unfortunately, I can’t put a finger on when that will happen, but I can put a finger on something else…

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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