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Long Distance Sexytimes: Remote Sex Toys

Long Distance Sexytimes: Remote Sex Toys

One of the biggest fads in the sex toy world these days is the increasing popularity of remote sex toys. While it seems like a very futuristic concept, along with those hoverboards we were promised, sex products that can be controlled across the room or even across the world might make people a bit nervous. Are we entering a new age of pleasure? This could be a world of immense change and potentially great sexytimes results.

The brave new world has resulted in a huge emphasis right now on sex products that can be controlled by phone and over the internet. And the advances being made right now are quite astonishing. You can find sex toys that control the speed and action of performers in porn. There are toys that the action in porn controls the sensations you feel. Same thing with erotica. And, of course, there are toys that connect people over long distance and allow them to control each other’s sexual stimulation.

Women only?

One of the interesting things about remote sex toys is that they were formerly exclusively designed for women. This leads me to wonder whether or not remote sex toys were part of continuing male sexual dominance. Think about it: sex toys such as remote controlled vibrators and vibrating panties could put a woman’s sexual pleasure firmly in her partner’s hand. However, at the same time, this situation could also play into relationships involving power exchange.

This is all changing. There is now a significant emphasis on remote sex toys for men—and the results so far have been astonishing. These toys are making major advances in pleasure. There are some that are, essentially, masturbation sleeves that you just slide down on your cock and then let others do all the work. The pleasure can come from a partner using a toy matched via bluetooth or even via your computer screen.

That’s right. We’ve entered the sexual age of interacting with porn.

A new type of touch

This is an ultimate fantasy of many fellas out there. The very idea of using a toy that reacts to the actions and motions of their favourite porn performer on screen will be enough to have many folks rushing to order these devices. And the technology is good. Really fucking good. Both the Kiiroo and the Vorze Cyclone offer such a range of motion inside their device that you will feel sensation up and down your penis—all while matched some hot action on screen.

And this is an instance of two related industries working closely together to create interactive products. There could be a tonne of sex products that offer amazing sensation when paired with porn content, but if the porn content is not or cannot be coded properly to interact, the relationship might be moot. And vice versa. So sex toy companies are working with coders to fashion porn clips that are fantastic at picking up motions and relaying them to the toys. Quite fascinating!

And this is just the beginning folks. There will surely be more advances. Cameras that catch motion and relay it to a remote toy? I’m sure it is in the works...along with much more.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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