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Slow Things Down To Heat Them Up!

Slow Things Down To Heat Them Up!

Passion is a hallmark of great sex, there’s no denying that. We’ve all had moments of rushing bodies together, a tempest of lust and movement where we have to get our hands on our partner as quickly as possible. Lips come together in a desperate need, clothes fly off as if taken by a tornado and the sex is explosive!

This fueled and fiery sex is a must in a relationship—but it is unlikely to be possible every single time. Life can get in this kind of romance novel scenario. It is hard to be so wild with sexual abandon when you’re tired from a long day, stressed about bills, caring for children or just not entirely enthusiastic. You might still want it, but it is hard to get in that headspace.


Change of pace

If times like these are occurring more often than not, it is a good sign you need to slow down, rather than speed up your sex. Sure, a torrid sex session could also spice things up and be completely satisfying, but there is also something to be said for slowing things down. Slower sex can have definite self care qualities that will show your body and your mind that you matter, your partner matters and all of those life things can be put on hold for a nice little sexual getaway.

However, passion is how sex is most often depicted, so it might be hard to think of ways to slow your sex down. Here are some surefire ways to make your sex smoulder.

The Striptease: Nothing provokes a slow burn better than a steamy striptease. Watching your partner tease and tempt you—but remain out of reach is one of the hottest things ever. Every shimmy, bump and grind can take you one step closer, while at the same time knowing the best is yet to come. And if you’re the stripper, you know that however long you want to draw this drama out, you have your partner in the palm of your hand. And remember, this isn’t just for ladies, any and everyone should slip a sexy song on and strip!

Sexy Talk: One of our most conductive sexual hotspots is our ears and hearing sexy talk can be one of the hottest ways to tease and please without ever touching your partner. Whisper those saucy thoughts about what you have liked in the past, what you want to do right now and even dream ahead to what you might do in the future! Of course, this can happen before you even make it to a bedroom or before you’re even alone.

A Shower: Literally wash the day’s events away with a slippery and sexy wash of each other’s bodies. The heat of the water combined with slow moving hands over each other’s bodies is a great way to bring comfort and care into the situation. And we need that from time to time. Everybody likes some pampering from time to time. Stand behind your partner, close to their back and bottom and soap up every part of their body. And be sure to include a sexy shampoo. Head massages are a definite slow sex turn on.

A Massage: There’s a reason why a massage is the perfect way to slow your sex down before you get into super hot times. So much touching! Find a massage oil that your partner loves the smell and texture of and then explore all of their body. Massage is a great way to discover new parts of your partner’s body you didn’t know were sensitive to stimulation. With all of this tactile exploration, you will both relax your partner with comfort, but also turn them on with a slow crawl to their hot spots. And after all of this, those hot spots will be fully passionate!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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