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The Most Common STIs

The Most Common STIs

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are a fact of life. We may not want to talk about them, we may want to wish their existence away, but if you are sexually active there is the possibility you will contract one of the many STIs that are out there.

And it is because we do not talk about STIs, the stigma about them remains. At the same time, lack of constructive conversation means the transmission of sexually transmitted infections remains an issue. As many jurisdictions struggle with the idea of comprehensive sex education, there is no denying that a wider spread of knowledge can lower the transmission rates of STIs.

Unfortunately, there are still many who believe that abstinence-based sex education is the way to prevent people from contracting STIs. This is the same line of thinking that proved Prohibition a bust and the war on drugs a battle long lost. It should be understood by now that denial of booze, drugs, or sex is not going to stop people from partaking if they really want to. The phrase “we’re only human” definitely rings true here.

So instead of treating everyone like children who cannot look after their own sexual health, let’s talk about sexually transmitted infections. Openly. Candidly.

One of the key pieces of knowledge every sexually active person should be aware of is what sexually transmitted infections and diseases are out there. According to this great round-up, here are the 10 most common sexually ailments you need to be aware of:

  1. Gonorrhoea
  2. Hepatitis
  3. Syphilis
  4. Chlamydia
  5. Crabs
  6. Human Papilloma Virus
  7. Bacterial Vaginosis
  8. Herpes
  9. Trichomoniasis
  10. HIV

They are all names you should be aware of and familiar with (and that link will provide you great descriptions and symptoms of each!) and be on your lips when you are negotiating sex with a new partner.

But one of the hurdles is that conversation. In this day and age it is essential that you are comfortable with asking a partner if they exhibit any risk in passing an STI to you. Many people think this will be unsexy and could kill the mood of a good time. My advice? An uncomfortable itch or lifelong condition is likely to kill the mood other times!

That conversation can lead to you making the choice that is best for you when it comes to that sexual encounter. Do you want to risk it? Will barrier protection such as condoms and dental dams be enough to prevent spread? Maybe you just don’t want to take the chance?

Some areas of the world have made this a legal issue, with people being arrested for not disclosing their sexual health status - particularly HIV. The hope is people will disclose their status and their potential partner will then be able to make an informed decision. Unfortunately, there is the potential this approach will just cause people to be more secretive about their status, hiding more so as to not get caught. This is the vicious circle of shame and stigma that still envelopes sexual health.

Let’s drop the stigma, do away with the shame. Imagine if everyone who caught a cold was maligned like those who deal with sexual health issues?

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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