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Open Your Eyes To The Sexy Power Of Blindfolds

Open Your Eyes To The Sexy Power Of Blindfolds

Our five core senses play integral parts in our sexual experiences. Not all at once, and not all equally at times. Our senses of smell, taste and sound are not always the most needed during sexytimes, but they can play crucial roles at other moments. And for the most part, touch is fairly integral to sexual experience - unless you can fully embrace some non-touch sexual pleasure, which we will definitely discuss another time.

Power of sight

That leaves sight, which is a significantly powerful sense when it comes to our desires. So much of our sex has actually become dependent on visual stimulation, from the first time we meet someone to trying to keep our eyes open once we actually get into bed with this person. We focus on physical appearance, appealing clothing styles and the desire to see the person you’re lusting for out of those clothes.

But what happens when you take the sense of sight out of the equation? What happens when you blindfold your partner and limit their sensual reaction?

Looking into blindfolds

For many people, using a blindfold during sex can be very hot. Sensory deprivation can lead to your other senses becoming heightened and more attuned to the situation. With a blindfold on you might taste things more intensely, hear sound in the room you might normally miss, smell scents on your partner that are par for the course but more amplified in the moment and feel what they do to your skin with extra excitement. Taking away sight can actually lead to much more passion!

However, it is important to remember that using a blindfold can get too intense for some. When you take away a familiar sense, you create a vulnerability that can make people uncomfortable. Pushing the limits of your discomfort can also be super sexy, but it can also reach a limit that requires you to pull back and take off the blindfold. It is key that you and your partner communicate and even establish a safeword for when that blindfold should be removed.

Laying your eyes on the right one

This makes choosing the right blindfold very important. Anything you place on a person’s head should be easily removable. Some of the sexiest blindfolds are simply small masks with an elastic backing that easily slip on and off. You will want to have a snug and secure fit though, or the blindfold may slip and ruin the sensation. There are also many different blindfolds that feature regular buckles that will ensure a good fit. These blindfolds are great for players who are experienced with bondage wear and equipment and know how to manipulate those buckles quickly.

Blindfold precautions

And while it can be really sexy, you should be very careful when blindfolding your partner with something you tie around their eyes and head, such as scarves. This is a great, practical solution, but there are two things to remember. First, be sure not to tie the blindfold too tightly. This can irritate the eyes and even induce a headache. Second, in a desire to get the blindfold secure, some people might not use the best knots and then, when the person who is blindfolded wants to see again, it can be tricky to untie your knots. If this needs to be done quickly, you might have a difficult situation.

That said, the other sensations that you feel during blindfolded sex are phenomenal - both for the person being deprived and the person in charge. The power exchange of limiting someone’s sight is very sexy and opens up many new experiences!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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