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3 Tips For Sexting Safely

3 Tips For Sexting Safely

What would you do without your mobile phone? For so many of us, they are in our hands constantly, their glow putting sparkles in our eyes. And, of course, what gets read or seen on our mobiles often puts a little bit of a zip into what we have in our pants.

Just as with any new technology, it didn’t take long for folks to figure out the best ways to bring sex into the equation. And truth be told, mobile phones have been found to offer a huge potential in our sexual fun. Be it hook-up apps like Tinder and Grindr, the vast amount of sex ed available online or even the opportunity to take your favourite porn anywhere you go, our little pocket computers are ideal for sexy shenanigans.

Of course, you could also use them to call people you’re attracted to or arrange a little nookie with. But isn’t it funny that actually making sexy phone calls seems to be a thing of the past? Instead, you’re more likely to receive a sext than to hear a sultry voice on the other end. Sexts are much easier, as well as being much more discreet and convenient.

But sexting is full of risks, as we keep hearing about. Photos are being sent and then found or hacked by others. People can get a hold of phones and take screen shots of sexts. Your photos and sexty conversations can be used to embarrass you or possibly even worse. If you’re really keen on sexting and it really turns you on, here are some tips to keep your sexts safe and yourself out of trouble.

1. Keep some intrigue

Sending sexy photos is one of the most contentious issues when it comes to sexting. Because technology has come so far, it is so hard to resist the temptation of taking advantage of it. Gone are the days of having to take sexy shots with Polaroid cameras. Now we can all be pornstars on our own time! However, sending or receiving hot photos is one of the easiest ways people get in trouble with mobile phones. There is one way that can potentially minimize the effects...or at least create a sense of confusion—while at the same time maintaining a little mystery. Try keeping your face out of the shots! Go wild, show everything else you want to, but with your face out of the photo, you will be less recognizable.

2. Clean the path

As tempting as it might be, it is always a good idea to send your text or photo and then delete it. Same goes for receiving them. Look, enjoy for a bit and then delete and move on. One of the most embarrassing things is when you choose to show someone a cute photo on your phone, you know, something innocent like your children, your dog, a sunset...and you swipe along one shot too far and there’s your naked ass for all to see. It would be kind to do the same to the images you receive. It’ll be a great first meeting for a new boyfriend with your mum if you’ve already accidentally shown her a dick pic he sent you.

3. Trust

Finally, really be sure about who you are sending sexts and hot photos to. Is this a new relationship? Is this a contentious relationship? Is this someone who shares a lot online? There is a fundamental level of reciprocal trust that is required in this transaction. Be sure your sexy stuff is going to someone who’s got your back.

Sexting can be an amazing, sexy thing...just be careful what you type and where you point that thing.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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