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Warming And Cooling Lubes - Temperature Sensations!

Warming And Cooling Lubes - Temperature Sensations!

There are no two sensations that are more polar opposites than the inverse sensations of hot and cold. Evoking images of fire and ice and summer and winter means these two different feelings can be used on our bodies in ways that are both intense and surprising.

There are many ways the sensations of heat and chill can be used in sexytime play. Imagine ice cubes being slowly pulled across the skin, circling a nipple and leaving a train of warm water where hot skin has met frigid ice. Or something more extreme like fireplay, where someone touches lit torches to another’s skin. There are many different activities that fall under the fun that can be had with hot and cold sensation. Many can also be achieved through much simpler means. If you are keen to try something new with heat and chill, then you need to explore warming and cooling lubes.

Lube is something you can never go wrong with in your sexytime shenanigans, but warming lubes and cooling lubes can take your slippery adventures to a whole new level. Simply put, warming lubes react on the skin to produce a heat sensation and cooling lubes react to create a freezing sensation. Each type of lubes contain different ingredients to produce these effects. Most often, the ingredient in warming lubes is capsaicin while cooling lubes usually contain menthol.

Taking temperatures

What makes warming and cooling lubes so great are their versatility. They can be used for both sex fun, but also to just relax. Because it is lube we’re talking about, they can easily double as a massage product. The warming sensation can be a sweet relief after a long day at work. While you will primarily feel the warming sensation on the skin, it can radiate down further to your muscles for relief. The cooling lubes can act as an intense bodily stimulant. Applying cooling lube can make your skin feel active and ready. Feeling a little to tired for sex? Play with some cooling lube on your bodies and feel refreshed.

Once your bodies are ready, you can move on to some serious sexytimes with warming and cooling lubes. They are fantastic ways to take manual sex to the next level of excitement. Whether on your own or with a partner, masturbation, handjobs and clitoral stimulation take on a whole new meaning when you add some warming or cooling lube.

Test first!

Now, before you try it on a sensitive sexy bit, be sure to test whether or not your partner likes the sensation on their skin at all—away from their genitals. Both a penis and a vulva will be more sensitive, but having a general sense of the sensation is important. It is also important to remember to use warming or cooling lube sparingly at first, because of the increased sensitivity of sexy bits. While it is less likely with penises, some folks with vulvas will definitely find warming and cooling lubes too intense for their clitoris. However, if everything goes well, the sensations of that play can be phenomenal.

One last quick note on warming and cooling lube: it is best to just use them externally. They are safe for internal use, but if the sensation is strong on the outside, just imagine how it might feel on the inside.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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