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Light Your Sexual Fires With Hot Wax

Light Your Sexual Fires With Hot Wax

There are many ways to light a new fire in your sex life—one of the most intriguing being, literally, lighting a little fire! Candles have long been associated with sex as a means of setting a sexy mood in the before some sexytime shenanigans. However, with the right type of candles, your intimate moments can definitely heat up!

Playing with hot wax can be highly erotic and sensual. It is the type of activity that is necessarily slow and communicative—even if you play in complete silence. Most commonly associated as a BDSM activity, hot wax play need not necessarily be considered in that light. Sure, it involves pain, but pain is just a sensation that comes in varying degrees of severity.

Heating sexytimes up

It is possible, when enjoying hot wax play, to control the heat of the wax, to a degree. The higher you drip the burning wax from the candle onto your partner, the more it will have cooled down by the time it reaches skin. Of course, that pain sensation is what most people are after, even if it is slightly muted. Pain releases a rush of adrenaline that amplifies your personal experience of sensation. Get that adrenaline flowing through your body and your sexual experience will explode with pleasure!

As with many different sexual experiences, it is important to do your research into the best implements of play. There are many different types of candles available for sale, but only some should be used in hot wax play. The best type of candle to use during sexy time is plain, white, 100% paraffin candle. The ideal temperature of hot candle wax should not exceed 110 degrees or there is the potential for scalding. White candles are the best colour because white wax retains less heat than paraffin candles of colour. There are also specific sex candles that can be purchased.

Under no circumstances should you use beeswax, beef tallow or scented candles—these burn too hot. You should also avoid metallic colour candles as they contain poisonous salts.

Play safe

When you are preparing for hot wax fun, it is also good to take some precautions. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand, just in case a candle gets knocked over. Keep a cold wet towel, ice water and burn ointment on hand in case someone does get accidentally burned. It is also a good idea to use a dropcloth or shower curtain. Getting wax on your carpet or favourite sheets can be almost impossible to remove.

Another consideration is the body you’re dripping on. If your partner is hairy, it is best to shave the hair off. If that isn’t of interest, you can also go over their skin with plastic wrap. This will allow the sensation without the stuck hair mess.

Now that everybody is ready, flick a Bic and get started. Remember, take your time and check in with your partner along the way. Plan an area to play in and experiment with the height you drip wax from. You and your partner will find different things you both like and enjoy. You can even get artistic!

Once you’re done, just image the fun the two of you will have removing the wax! Enjoy!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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