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Sperm Smoothies: The Key To Health?

Sperm Smoothies: The Key To Health?

Well, I shouldn’t discount this because I’m neither an expert in beauty regimes or nutrition (seriously, Google me. No wait, please don’t). But something tells me that this woman’s daily dose of sperm as a nutritional supplement might not be all that she thinks it is. In fact, it might not be anything at all.

Here’s the thing: guys have tried the comment “but if you just swallow, it’ll be good for you” forever as a way to get a woman to take a load of spunk in her mouth and swallow it. Blowjobs are a great part of sex and can be enjoyed by both giver and receiver, but outcome, the ejaculation is most definitely an acquired taste—both on the tastebuds and actually having it in your mouth at all. Some people love it, some are okay with it, some put up with it and some hate it entirely. The range of reaction is quite broad.

Should we all eat semen?

However, would it not stand to reason that IF ejaculate and semen did, in fact, hold any kind of nutritional value, that that would have been discovered a long time ago? Science has always been exploring the human body to figure out how we tick and tock and what we can do with, among other things, our cocks. Sure, there have been lapses like not fully understanding the shape of the clitoris until the 90s, but, for the most part, we’ve looked into what the body can do and is capable of for a long, long time. And science says, there’s nothing of eatin’ value in sperm.

However, Tracy Kiss might be onto something else mentioned in the article, but which is far less controversial than guzzling jizz. Well, until I put a porno pervert twist on it, hang on.

And rub semen on our skin?

Kiss notes that she also uses semen as skin care, that it makes an excellent facial and has improved her complexion. Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Science can actually get behind this idea, somewhat. While spunk doesn’t actually have nutritional value, it does actually have a decent amount of the mineral zinc in it. And zinc, apparently, is an excellent antioxidant that slows down the aging process of skin and muscles. Huh.

Seems like a good thing, right? Maybe there will be a new line of semen-infused skin care products coming to beauty counters near you.

But here’s the double-edged sword. If guys have been trying to persuade their partners to take cumshots in the mouth forever, but we’ve proven there’s no nutritional value, then these horny bastards might move on to the next proposal:

“Can I shoot it all over over face? You know, to help your skin?”

Seriously, if this information gets out too far and wide, this will become a request. And hey, if you enjoy your fella blowing loads on your face, regardless your gender, then you go right ahead and get that glowing, wrinkle-free skin. But this is another sex act that has definitely been co-opted in negative ways by porn. Ever seen a bukkake video? The scene is definitely not for everyone.

Who knew a teaspoon of anything could be so controversial?

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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