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Just Like Looking In A Mirror - Realistic Sex Toys

Just Like Looking In A Mirror - Realistic Sex Toys

Sex toys come in all different shapes and sizes. You’ll find everything from slim and sleek to large and bulbous—and everything in between. Picking the toy you think will be just right for you can be a challenge, but for some people the choice is clear and easy. Whether used for masturbation or incorporated into other sex play, some people definitely want their sex toy to feel as much like bio body parts as possible. And if that’s what you crave, realistic sex toys are the ticket to your sexual pleasure!

What are realistic dildos?

Realistic sex toys are crafted to both resemble and feel as much like your desired sex partner’s bits and pieces as possible. If you want to feel the ridges and veins, hardness and texture of a penis, there are many different dildos that incorporate these features and many more! As dildo technology advances, more products are coming to market that enhance the experience even more. Think scrotums and testicles, foreskins and potential ejaculation. If you love playing with cock, more and more options are popping up every day!

Amazing material

While realistic dildos certainly paved the way for life-like sex toys, to really understand the scope of what is becoming available, you’ve got to check out the products that are being created out of Cyberskin and other similar materials.

Used primarily for penis masturbation sleeves, this amazing soft and pliable material feels amazing when combined with a good lube. Arguably the most popular and recognizable brand to utilize this technology is the world-famous Fleshlight. You know, the pocket pussy that looks like a flashlight? You can even add to the sensation by warming the sleeve part up under warm water to give it an even more realistic sensation.

Cyberskin technology holds tremendous potential for those who crave sex toys that resemble true-to-life body parts. In fact, there already is a huge array of bits and pieces that have been transformed into anytime playthings with cyberskin. Vulvas, vaginas, breasts, hands, buttocks, anuses and even feet are all available to provide you that special sensation you’re looking for.

Verisimilitude va-va-vavoom!

There are two main advantages of realistic sex toys: feel and sensation. We’ve already touched on the feel part of realistic toys. Some folks want their play to mimic the sensations of partnered sex as much as possible. These toys might look a little ridiculous sitting on a bedside table all on their own as they’re certainly not objets des arts. But they’re not meant to be. They are intended to provide you with sexual pleasure!

That said, realistic sex toys can provide another significant sensation—sexuality sensation. To be clear, this is different from sexual sensation. People who have specific desires for certain genders can explore or enjoy their cravings even if they cannot pursue people to match that craving. If a man is considering whether or not he is bisexual or gay, he can play with a realistic, penis-shaped dildo as a means of experimentation. The same goes for the toys created for other body parts, whether they relate to fetish or sexuality. Realistic toys can help a person’s sexual growth.

Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? With realistic sex toys it surely is!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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