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Experiencing VR Porn For The First Time

Experiencing VR Porn For The First Time

We are entering brand new realms of never before experienced ways to explore sex and sexual content. There is no doubt that every new technology has been leveraged, right from the beginning into different ways to capture and then send sexual content to any and everyone who was interested in viewing. From photos to film to video to internet and now beyond—and historically right back to cave painting days. Every new advance in image creation will be used to bring sexual content into our lives and, hopefully to complement our own sex!

The current hot commodity is trying to incorporate porn into virtual reality. Over a decade ago many companies touted technological and hardware advances that were about to make virtual worlds a reality for anyone at home. Well, those attempts fizzled pretty quickly and I have a strong suspicion that poorly rendered porn probably had a big part in that downfall.

New sexual revolution

Fast forward to current times and we are now into VR Porn 2.0 and the offerings are now much more significant. As you can see from this video of people’s reactions to experiencing VR porn for the first time, the images and environments are so much more advanced and exciting.

But what opportunities does VR porn really present? Sure, it is a nice new package of a classic sexual media, but will this quality just fade away like the previous iteration of VR? I think, this time, VR porn is finally here to stay because of two factors. Foremost, technology and playback have caught up to our demands and desires. With VR headsets soon to become readily available on the retail front, most notably the Occulus Rift, people will be able to explore the opportunities available in virtual reality at an accessible price point. At the same time, porn content producers are now able to produce VR content in much more affordably, making many different types of porn producers able to offer good quality sex scenes at competitive prices.

Something for everybody

Usually only mainstream companies with significant revenue are able to take advantages of new technologies because of the high cost and risk factors involved. And those companies aren’t usually able to offer specialty content for non-mainstream consumers. The playing field is much more level.

At the same time, another factor that could herald newfound success in VR porn is the consumer appetite for this type of content. Back in the past, we didn’t really know how much we wanted something like VR porn because we had no precedent for such technological advances. VCRs were still common! But now we have so much immersive technology at our fingertips—everything is smart nowadays! Mainstream cinema has made 3D the norm and our phones, watches, tablets and consumers drive us to be more technologically savvy than any other time in human history. If there was ever a time to break move to immersive, interactive, 3D adult entertainment, the time is definitely now.

This is an exciting time in the world of porn—for all of producers, performers and consumers. Big changes are coming and these revolutionary adaptations no doubt usher in more opportunity.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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