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Roll The Dice And Take A Sexy Chance With Sex Games!

Roll The Dice And Take A Sexy Chance With Sex Games!

Who doesn’t love games?

Board gaming culture has made a significant comeback on the cultural landscape, with bigger and better releases coming out all the time. And what’s the latest hot spot where you live? More and more often, the game cafe is turning into the fun place to gather with friends for some hot game-playing fun. Okay, it isn’t so much hot in the cafes—that is reserved for the bedroom!

As with everything that becomes a ‘thing,’ there is eventually a sexy version of that thing. And board and dice games are no exception. In fact, just as board games never really went away, there have always been sexy board and dice games.

Of course, if you want to get hot and heavy while spinning wheels and moving meeple, you can always just pornify any existing board game. The easiest way is to make your favourite game “strip-something.” In strip-Scrabble, your opponent has to take off a piece of clothing every time you get a triple word score. In strip-Yahtzee, raise the stakes by insisting on full nudity if the five dice all match. The list goes on and on. Twister is an exception—you want to be naked from the start!

The above are ways to have sexytime fun with everyday games, but there are also many different games out there that are meant specifically for sexual entertainment—and they can also be fantastic for establishing or maintaining intimacy in relationships.

Couples challenge

Be sure to check out the wide variety of couples and sex-themed games that can be both fun and helpful to couples who might be feeling a little boredom or lack of intensity in their bedroom shenanigans. Many of these types of games put a big focus on communication—particularly expressing what gets you hot and what you desire. Over time, many couples can fall into something between sexy comfort and a sad rut. You may still be in mad love and you may still desire your partner, but the everyday aspects of life—kids, mortgage, job, bills—can really drag down spontaneity and lust.

And this is what makes getting together for dedicated time together, to play a sex game such an important thing. It is a date! It is dedicated time together, hopefully without disturbance that is dedicated to both emotional and physical connect. Even if you’re getting super kinky and wild and focussing on the joys of the flesh, the emotional connection is still key.

Gamification of great sex

Another great thing about sex games is the opportunity they offer for learning something new, such as BDSM. There are a number of sexy games that come complete with blindfolds, whips, cuffs, feathers and crops. The instructions of the games are to try out new things that could be outside your personal experience and comfort zone. Will this type of game appeal to people who already participate in BDSM? Probably not...but you never know, you might learn something new! These games are for newbies, people who don’t have any experience. I bet many folks are definitely turned on from this type of play.

Here’s the last thing to remember about sex games—everybody wins!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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