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Never Too Old For Sexytimes - Seniors and Sex

Never Too Old For Sexytimes - Seniors and Sex

It used to be that people assumed our sex lives pretty much dried up in our forties. Unless you’re a dashing older man, somehow those guys get passes. The rest of us? Might as well attach out of order signs to our junk and put it away for good.

This could be because sex has long been associated with only one of its functions: procreation. When we stop being able to produce children, it is presumed we should stop desiring sexual relations. This might be against a person’s natural inclination, but society has long deemed older people unattractive and unsexual—particularly women. Instead of continuing to embrace sexytimes, people just close the book on hot times.

Fortunately, that line of thinking is being retired and older folks are coming out as the sexy and sexual people they really are.

Connecting seniors and sex ed

One of the key reasons things are looking brighter for older folks enjoying sexy times is the outreach to older people with better sex education. Many people who are 50+ have never had the opportunity to openly discuss and learn about sex. Schools did not offer sex ed and neither families nor friends were inclined to talk about sex.

Because of this societal shaming of sex, seniors are sometimes lacking in basic sex information, relating to both pleasure and sexual health. Something interesting that has emerged is the increase in sexually transmitted infections in seniors and in seniors residences. Here is an instance where more sex education is critical.

So, now that we’re empowering older people to maintain their sexy selves, how can they go about meeting people to keep their bits from getting rusty? Well, pretty much everywhere everyone else hooks up! Fortunately, there are also specific ways seniors can connect.

Seniors and dating sites: While the majority of dating sites feature people’s ages, older folks might feel more comfortable placing ads on sites that specifically cater to seniors. If they are looking for people of a similar age, it will be easier to search through ads and profiles on a more limited platform.

Active activities: Over the past few decades, people have started living longer and being active later in life. There is also a direct correlation with being physically active and enjoying a more robust sex life. So if seniors are looking to get some, they can try meeting people at sport or recreational activities. Dancing, tennis and golf are all great options.

The “old” standbys: There is nothing wrong with all of the regular, popular spots to meet people: bars, the park, the library, the gym. Tying in again to the increasing activeness and horniness of older folks, anywhere that people gather can be a great place to connect.

Sexy swipes: There is nothing that says apps like Tinder can only be used by the young. Alost everybody has a mobile phone these days, so it makes perfect sense that older folk are hooking up with their matches too!

It is about time that we’ve gotten rid of this societal shuffling off of older folks into the sunset. Live your sexy life to the fullest!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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