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The Ascent To Desire Sex Position

The Ascent To Desire Sex Position

There is always something so sexy about strength and power. The Ascent to Desire sex position will show off just that - sheer strength and determination to penetrate her deeply for maximum satisfaction. If he is able to start this brave position right from standing, he can take her in his arms with a lusty kiss. She wraps her arms around his shoulders. Feeling his hard cock pressing against her and her own wetness and desire increasing, she pulls away slightly to give him the look. And that is all he needs to lift her up to his hips. As he does so, she spreads her legs, and lands with perfect precision right on his rigid penis. Gravity slides her down his shaft as he holds her firmly by the legs and hips. They clutch to each other's bodies and his strong legs propel them to new sensations.

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