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The Landslide Sex Position

The Landslide Sex Position

There is something so tender and sensitive about our backsides. Having them rubbed, caressed or even spanked is exhilarating! And when you partake in The Landslide sex position, you get to feel those delicate sensations on both your bottoms. He spots her reading, naked, lying on her belly. She's propped up on her arms, creating a smooth arch down her body. He can see just the slightest glimpse of her pussy and his shaft begins to harden. Climbing on the bed, she smiles back at him and resumes her book. She moans softly as he gently squats on her upper thighs and runs his hands up and down her back. Slowly he works his way back down until his hands caress her buttocks. He’s positioned back enough that with one move he can aim the tip of his cock down to her moist vulva. With a gentle rock forward, he sinks into and shuffles his body up to bury himself in her for sensual sex.

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