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Sex Toy Reviewing: A Hard, Horny Job

Sex Toy Reviewing: A Hard, Horny Job

There is one segment of the Internet that has grown significantly in the past 10 years that does not get the recognition it should when discussing the unbridled growth of online content and the important force that sex is in the online world. In an age of Yelp and Amazon reviews, people have more opportunity than ever to make their voices heard and their opinions known. The Internet gives everybody the chance to spout off any belief you have... and you just might find an audience. And one of those ways you can contribute to the sex and outside community at large is by offering sexual product reviews.

How did sex toy reviewing start?

Writing or discussing your favourite and least favourite products is not a new pastime or job at all. People have been offering their opinion on pretty much everything for years. However, sex products did not begin to receive this same consideration until sometime in the mid-2000s when a few bloggers started to write about and rate their experience with sex products.

And then the idea took off. It is funny, as a society, we really don’t like to talk about sex. But as individuals, we totally love to talk about sex! We like to talk about the sex we’re having and the sex we’re not having. We like to talk about what turns us on and what doesn’t. Some people are really candid, while others are more guarded. But deep down, most people want to talk about their sex.

And so it was with sex products. The main items getting reviewed in the beginning were vibrators and dildos. These were definitely the most accessible. However, this limited type of review did not last long. Every type of sex product became fair game, including fetish items such as floggers, whips, cuffs and collars and more, as well as butt plugs, strap-on sets, lubes and pretty much everything under the sexual sun. If you’re supposed to fuck it or fuck with it, there’s a good chance someone has written a review of it.

The power of community

And you know what happened? The toy companies took notice. They realized which blogs were getting traffic and they sought out those bloggers to work with them. The offer of free sex toys for a review really took hold. This was great for established and respected reviewers. Unfortunately, this meant more people thought they could be reviewers if free toys were on offer.

This isn’t meant to be limiting and surely everybody has something to offer when discussing their sexuality. I firmly believe that. However, just because you can discuss your sexuality doesn’t mean you can adequately discuss sex as a whole. I’ve been a toy reviewer myself for about 5 years. It is hard work to write compelling discussion and ensure that your like or dislike of a product doesn’t overpower your actual purpose: a fair and balanced review. Sure, if you hate a sex toy, you hate it. But you need to ensure your hate doesn’t overcome the potentials that toy might bring to other folks. That always has to be kept in mind and considered.

So, if you are a fan of sex toy reviews, be sure you take the reviews with a grain of salt. You’ll acquire favourite reviewers who will resonate with you. Trust them, but don’t get too lost in all of the other sex toy review blogs out there.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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