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Contact Magazines

Nobody will understand what you desire sexually - unless you tell them. And when you find those who embody everything you seek, you can just reply to their ad in our contact magazines. These magazines are filled with sex ads from horny women and men wanting to find sexual partners.

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Find sexual partners with a contact sex magazine

Contact magazines have been a staple of the sex community for decades. Because sex has been shamed and kept out of public view, it can be difficult to find people interested in the same things that you are. Whether you’re looking for swingers or a threesome, wanting to explore your sexuality, interested in BDSM or have a particular fetish you need to explore, contact magazines connect you with the right people for your desire.

The premise is pretty simple: you place an ad to get spanked by a couple in a contact magazine and if someone is interested, they let you know. Contact magazines were dating and hook-up apps long before those even existed. And to keep you in the mood while you peruse the listings, many contact magazines also feature hot pictures of sexy folks.

So, if you’re looking to meet someone who will be sexually compatible with you, pick up some contact sex magazines and grab a highlighter to mark the ads that look good!

You can learn more about magazines in our Buyer's Guide to Sex Magazines.

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