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Introduction To Anal Beads

Introduction To Anal Beads

The rising popularity of anal sex has been an astonishing demonstration of people finding new and creative ways to enjoy sexual pleasure. For a long time, ass sex was considered just another way to have intercourse. To put it crudely, the ass was thought of as just another hole. Fortunately, we have learned that there is so much erotic potential in anal sex that just getting inside is boring!

The anus is full of nerve endings and sensation. It is also completely unlike the vulva and vagina in how it handles items being inserted. The vaginal canal is longer and caresses fingers, penises and toys for a greater length. The anus, on the other hand, is a shorter length before it gives way to the relatively more “open” feeling rectum. Much of the fantastic sensation of anal penetration comes from the anus. Not to say there isn’t pleasure in the rectum too!

Another difference is the tightness of the anus. It has a much more firm grip than the vagina. This is a key factor in enjoying some of the most simple but amazing sex toys available: anal beads!

Hard, my ass!

How simple are anal beads? Well, they are pretty much just a conga-line of balls held together by a tether that are inserted into the anus and rectum. Anal beads come in different sizes and materials, depending what you want to feel in your bum. Some are softer silicone while others are hard glass. It is recommended you start with small, softer anal beads to get the feeling of the sensation and then move on to bigger, harder balls. Anal beads are universal sex toys that can appeal to anyone who likes anal play.

And what are the sensations you feel with anal beads? Well, the best parts of anal beads are the insertion and the removal. They feel hot when nestled inside, but the putting in and taking out are the best.

Double the pleasure

Inserting anal beads is a fantastic addition to receiving oral sex. As your partner goes down on you, pleasuring your penis or vulva, they also caress and ready your anus. As with all anal sex play, ensure you have plenty of lube on hand and on bum. As you grow more and more excited with their oral skills, they can ready your ass and move the beads into place. Then, one by one, with their mouth on your cock or tongue on your clit, they slip the beads into your ass. With each insertion you will feel a new bolt of pleasure!

One important note: always ensure the end of the anal bead tether remains outside the anus. You really don’t want to lose them in there!

Out is as good as in

Now that the beads are in you... imagine the sensations of taking them out. This is mind-blowing when combined with your impending orgasms. Whether the plan is to take the oral sensations to completion or move on to something different, such as intercourse, enjoy the feelings of the anal beads inside you for as long as you can. And then, as your explosion is coming, indicate that to your partner. This is their cue to slowly begin removing the beads, one by one, with each bead drawing you closer to a huge cum. As the last few beads pop out, you will be erupting in pleasure. As you cum, your ass will tighten that much more making those last beads almost too hard to pull out. But they will feel amazing!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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