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Playing Together With Couples Vibrators

Playing Together With Couples Vibrators

Most people think of sex toys as being something to be used when masturbating, as a substitute for the “real thing.” And sure, dildos, vibrators, plugs and the many different products available sure are fun and exciting and a great way to spice up self love.

Pleasure together

On the other hand (the one you’re not using to get off!), sex toys are also an exciting addition to partnered sex and can add significantly to both partner’s pleasure. They might even be able to help people achieve what has long been considered one of the most elusive and desired acts in sex: the simultaneous orgasm! Couples vibrators are now a big thing in sex toys and are making a tremendous difference to many couples’ sexual happiness.

Because so much focus of sex toy development has been on personal pleasure, not many sex toys were traditionally developed and marketed. There are a few exceptions to this, one notable little toy is the vibrating cock ring. This simple little device is usually just a rubbery ring that sits at the base of the penis, with a small vibrator attached to the top of the ring that comes in contact with the clitoris during penis-in-vagina intercourse. These no-nonsense little gadgets are still a tremendous addition to anyone’s pleasure chest as they are inexpensive and easy to use. Their general design has been the precursor to the many new, sexy products that are being developed nowadays.

Putting the wheeee in we

The first true couples’ vibrator to take the sex world by storm was the We-Vibe. This inventive vibrator combines vibration in a few different pleasure points for both women and men. With its flexible U-shape, the We Vibe lives up to its name by providing hot vibe action to both the woman, via her clitoris and inside her vagina, as well as the man as he feels the interior part of the toy during his thrusting action. Over the past few years the We Vibe has advanced and been refined to include a wireless remote and many other great features. And many other companies are learning from this example. Another revolutionary couples vibrator, Eva, became the most funded sex product in crowdsourcing history. This speaks to the desire of many to incorporate couples vibrators into their sexytimes.

And really, adding a comfortable and easy to use couples vibrator could make a big difference in many people’s sexual satisfaction—particularly women. It is said that as many as 70% of women do not ogasm with penetration, but that number could increase with added clitoral or g-spot stimulation. In the past, it was extremely awkward to try and fit a regular vibrator between two people in certain positions. Now, well-designed and shaped couples vibrators can fit comfortably between two passionate bodies.

At the same time?

And one last note on those simultaneous orgasms. Yes, it is a wonderful thrill when both partners orgasm at the same time. But don’t put too much pressure on yourselves to make this happen. You are more likely to hit this goal if you are relaxed and not thinking about it. And couples vibrators might really help!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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