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Hot New Tech Connects Viewers To Performers

Hot New Tech Connects Viewers To Performers

Is everybody else getting a little bit dizzy at the rapid pace that technology is developing? It seems like every other day new apps and devices are released that help or entertain us in ways we couldn’t have dreamed even five short years ago. What the human mind can develop is astounding!

Of course, if you start thinking about what the human mind is prone to think about, well, you can just guess what one of the leading types of tech being created involves. That’s right, sex tech is one of the biggest growth markets. And we’re only just starting to harness the potential that emerging sex tech can will bring to our sexytimes.

Adult Entertainment Changes The World

There’s a belief out there that I think has a lot of merit. When new entertainment technologies come to light, mainstream companies are sometimes a little gunshy and wait for further developments before jumping in and adopting. And sometimes, they actually wait to see what the adult entertainment community makes of this new tech. There’s no denying that both tech and porn have a distinct nerdy quality to them, so it is not surprising that porn producers might take a chance on new tech to set their productions apart in a very crowded market.

Want a couple examples? As a blast from the past, the porn community absolutely paved the way for VHS to become the dominant technology that controlled the video cassette recorder market. For a more current example, smaller porn start-ups and performers have made massive developments with 360 virtual reality and its application across entertainment mediums.

Better Opportunities For Connection

The current wave of tech that the sex industry is sparking great interest in is the idea of viewers being able to interact monetarily with cam performers. Lovense recently got a patent for a tip-controlled tech that allows consumers to deposit money into an account of a cam performer and that would then trigger the action of a device held by the performer. The more you tip, the more vibration or strength or whatever action the toy provides.

This could be revolutionary for the camming industry. Contrary to popular belief, connecting via webcam with a performer is not entirely about sexual gratification. Now, obviously, for many that is the sole purpose, but just as we’ve learned about the clients of sex workers, sometimes the connection is based more on an actual human connection. Sure, you might only be connected via invisible waves connected to giant servers, but controlling that toy, providing that interaction, can make a huge difference to the consumer doing it. It is as close to touch and connection they’ll ever have. And for some, it is just the right amount.

How can this change the world? Could tip technology end up in the mainstream? Absolutely. We’re already shifting to entertainment that features more Youtube stars and less Hollywood stars. And web-based platforms can become streaming outlets. Popular Youtubers or Steam players could adopt tipping tech to further their own interaction with their fans, and fans could then supply payment. No, don’t expect Youtubers to be playing with sex toys, but I’m sure their find some good way to interact with fans.

Some people might say technology is driving us away from each other. I’m not so sure. It could actually be pulling us together—just in a different way.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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