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The Right Touch - Clitoral Stimulation

The Right Touch - Clitoral Stimulation

It is hard to believe that it has taken until recent years for people to start to understand the sexual power of the clitors. It is now widely considered to be the premier source of sexual stimulation for those who have them. It definitely is not the only source of good feelings, but the majority of people do report that clitoral stimulation is required for them to reach orgasm. G-spot stimulation and penetration are also great, but the best way for those with clits to get off is perfecting the perfect clit action.

Now, just what would that perfect clit action be? Well, that is entirely dependent upon what that person wants in sex. Everybody’s clitoris is different and everybody’s response to their clitoris is different. Fast, slow, circular, back and forth, light, hard—the different ways to touch a person’s clitoris are varied. However, these tips can help you help her reach fantastic orgasms.

Ask questions

There’s this notion that we should always be supersexual geniuses who have the sexytimes skills at our, ahem, fingertips. However, let’s always remember that everybody likes different things and everybody likes to be touched in different ways. In fact, you might never encounter two people who like their clits touched in the exact same way. So, if you’re with someone new and you’re heading down there with your fingers or tongue, simply ask what they like. Or try some things and then ask your partner if that was good. Sex is always a learning and teaching process.

Watch and learn

If the two of you would like to make your educating a little more show-and-tell, watching them masturbate can be an exciting way—for both of you—to get a really good sense of what you can do to bring your partner pleasure. As tempting as it may be, don’t just focus on their fingers and clit. Be sure to glance up and watch their facial expressions and their body’s twitches and movements. Watch their whole body experience pleasure while noting the particular movements on the clit. Everybody knows their own body best of all.

Lube, lube, lube

In every ideal sexual situation, everybody’s body is overflowing with the same level of enthusiasm as their brain is. Unfortunately, our bodies don’t always co-operate regardless of how excited we are, so it is always a good idea to have some lube ready on the bedside table. For many people, sufficient lubrication is essential for clitoral stimulation. The clit is very sensitive and going at it with dry fingers can be too much sensation. Adding some lube can ensure your play starts off nice and smooth, and you may find it doesn’t take too long for your partner’s natural liquids to flow.

Encourage pleasure

As already noted, many folks cannot orgasm without clitoral stimulation. If your sex moves to penetration, find positions that allow your partner or yourself to continue clitoral play during penetrative play. These can include doggie style, with your partner reaching back, your partner on top with either of you stroking the clit or spooning, with your partner’s hand nestled between their legs.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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