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Love Your Lube!

Love Your Lube!

Repeat after me: Lube is my friend. Lube is my friend. Lube is my glorious and awesome friend!

Always remember this, always keep this in your mind and always keep a bottle of your favourite lube on your bedside table. Gone are the days when thinking lube was only for specialty activities like anal or handjobs. We’ve moved past the idea that lube was for people who just can’t get excited enough. Lube is the easiest way to improve almost any sexual situation to ensure everyone involved enjoys as much pleasure as possible. Lube really is your friend.

However, it is only natural, as with meeting any new people, that you will find lubes that are good as occasional acquaintances and others that become your BFFs—Best Fluid Forever. As sexual products advance with our expanding sexual needs, so too has the variety of differing lubes!

Here are the basics: there are two main kinds of lube to consider and buy.

Water-based lube

Water-based lube is very popular and feels fantastic. Given its main ingredient, water-based lube is generally thinner and more fluid. One great aspect of water-based lube is that if it does start to dry up before you’re done, you can simply add a few drops of water to reactivate it. Water-based lubes are predominantly body safe, though you should always test lightly and investigate the ingredients before spreading it all over yourself. Finally, water-based lubes are condom and sex toy safe.

Silicone lube

The other main type of lube is silicone. Silicone lube is the sex world’s wonder product because it is very body safe. As a lube, silicone is generally a bit thicker in feel than water-based, making it ideal for activities that will benefit from a liberal coating, such as anal sex. One of the great qualities of silicone lube is that it lasts. And lasts. While you should always be ready to re-apply or add more lube to any situation, you are less likely to need to if you’re using silicone lube. One important quality to remember is that while silicone lube is condom-safe, it is not necessarily sex toy safe. Do not use your silicone lube with silicone sex toys, you’ll ruin your toys.

How to choose the right lube?

Which type of lube you choose really depends on the type of sex you want to have. If you’re going to use it to play with sex toys, it makes sense to stick with a water-based lube, to be safe. If you’re concerned about easy clean up, water-based is also your best bet. It rinses off easily in a shower or even a damp cloth with no leftover residue afterwards. Silicone will definitely need a shower and soap to rinse fully off.

Silicone will be your better choice if you’re interested in longer-lasting or more involved sex. This can include anal, handjobs, pegging (when not using a silicone toy!) and more. Silicone can also be ideal for people who do have issues generating their own lubricant, even when sex has started. Silicone’s long-lasting ability will ensure no unpleasant friction occurs throughout intercourse.

Here’s hoping you find the best fluid friends of your life!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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