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The Glowing Juniper Sex Position

The Glowing Juniper Sex Position

Don’t forget to keep some romance in your relationship as you work through all of these sexy positions! A great one to do just that is The Glowing Juniper sex position. She can imagine being cradled in his body and he can know what it feels like to hold her and be wrapped in her. To begin, he sits on the bed, his legs slightly parted. She moves toward him, straddling his legs as if to ride him, but instead lays down, on her back, nestled between his legs. His hands roam over her skin and he looks deeply into her eyes as he moves her succulent body into position. Guiding and holding her, his penis slips into her moistness. His arms holding her hips, hers gripping his arms, a gentle rock can achieve exquisite, sensual romance.

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