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Dennis Rodman's Hilarious Broken Dick

Dennis Rodman's Hilarious Broken Dick

Sit yourself down and get ready for the spectacular story of how Dennis Rodman, notorious former basketball player and party madman has broken his dick three different times.

First let’s consider the stories themselves. Did we mention Rodman is a madman? When he started out in the NBA, he was just like any other player. He was very skilled and a rebounding machine, but just an average looking guy. Then something changed, perhaps he had an erotic epiphany, and he let his inner freak flag fly. His appearance changed, his relations to the media changed, his personal life changed. Some thought he was wild and crazy while some of us just thought he was a cool guy letting his personality show.

All of that transition makes some of the stories in this animation make perfect sense. He was living large and up for pretty much anything. Remember, Rodman was linked to Madonna in the height of her controversial SEX book era.

So a story of Dennis and his girlfriend attempting a flying fuck—Rodman running across a room, leaping through the air and attempting to penetrate her vaginally upon landing—really does not seem at all unusual. Very, very ill-advised on both their parts, but not something out of the realm of his thoughts.

Not really a laughing matter

The thing is a broken penis is a serious thing, though not catastrophic. It's something you need to seek medical attention for. You don’t actually break a penis, as you would a bone, because there aren’t any bones in a boner, of course. Rather, a fracture of one or both of the tubes of blood vessels that engorges during an erection is what happens. It can also be accompanied by a loud pop and, well, it is going to hurt like hell. I’m not entirely convinced of Dennis’ medical acumen by the time he gets to his third broken dick, often penis fractures do require surgery. Just taking pills doesn’t seem a sufficient treatment. Or, maybe because he’d experienced it a couple times before, he was on to something. And if it happens to you or your partner, don’t worry about hospital staff trying to sell photos of your busted junk. That’s a pretty rare circumstance that probably only happens if you’re a super tall, former basketball star covered in tattoos and piercings.

But it is a pretty taboo topic. People are taught to think that a penis injury is one of the worst physical injuries you can endure. Well, at least according to guys (women giving birth will surely beg to differ). However, this amazing, colourful, fun and matter of fact animation can go a long way in breaking down the fear we have of talking about penis health. It is engaging, funny, silly and features a celebrity who, though not as much in the spotlight anymore, is someone folks might look at and say “broken dick and all, I’d really enjoy his sex life for a day.”

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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