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Could You Have Sex Every Day For A Month?

Could You Have Sex Every Day For A Month?

There is a time in almost everybody’s life where you discover sex, realize how much you love sex and then want to have sex all of the time. You dream of finding the right person or people who just want to bang and lick and suck and fuck every damn day. More than every day, multiple times! Sex is awesome!

And then...the world happens. Life happens. Responsibilities happen. Kids. Jobs. Home. All of it! All of these outside influences conspire to take your sexytimes away—or in the least, lower your expectations some. It might sound a fabulous life, just enjoying carnal cravings whenever they pop up. But is it even possible? Is having sex, even just once a day, a thing that couples can maintain?

Can anyone do it?

I love this little experiment in sexual desire. A variety of young-seeming couples were challenged to have sex every single day for thirty days. The couples are asked how often they have sex now, with 2-3 times a week being the most common answer. There’s one pair who says 5 times a week (good on ‘em, I say). Despite the current state of their sexual activities, you can see their bravado right from the beginning with declarations of how awesome this is going to be. Whoohoo, sex! Everyday! We can do this!

But most of them can’t. The reality of going from sex 2-3 times a week to 7 times a week is too much for them. You hear the reasons (excuses?) that are fairly common to reasons why people fall into sexual comfort zones in the first place. Too busy, schedules don’t align, stuff to do. They go from loving the idea of having sex every day to dreading the reality that they are going to have sex every day.

I truly expected the video to end there with anguished faces and (presumably) sore genitals. But it didn’t. Instead, Buzzfeed brought in respected sex educator Dr. Ava Cadell part way through the challenge and she gave the participants advice on how to keep sex fresh and amazing in relationships. Even in extreme situations such as this. When one couple complained about having to plan on sexytimes later, she suggested that it is okay to plan, but get creative. Plan one night to be sensual and another kinky. Mix things up to keep you desire passionate.

Best parts of lust

She also suggested two key but often forgotten aspects of lust: intimacy and vulnerability. Being hot and ready to go is one thing, but opening yourself up to touch and touching in ways that don’t involve your junk is also key. Two easy ways to accomplish these things? Being naked will offer your vulnerability to your partner and hugging, establishing as much skin-to-skin contact will create a delightful level of intimacy.

The couples in the challenge took Dr. Cadell’s words, and for some, it made a significant impact on their sex lives in the later half of the thirty days. People who had looked sad and defeated found themselves smiling again. And with good reason—they were back to having awesome sex!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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