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Dating Coach Or Sex Worker?

Dating Coach Or Sex Worker?

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the precise moment when everything went all downhill for men in terms of positive sexual expression? Was there a specific incident? Did somebody, somewhere along the way completely fuck everything up for generations? Could it go back to generation #1?

Where is men's sexuality going?

Or has men’s sexuality just been on a gradual downward trajectory? Maybe there wasn’t a specific jumping off point, maybe countless incidents led us into the current quagmire we’re stuck in. It is clear that men aren’t inherently sexually evil, let’s make that clear. However, it should also been equally clear that men are definitely stuck with some societally imposed ideas about sex and sexuality that are, at best, terrible, and at worst, completely abhorrent.

This essay suggests that men could recapture many positive ideals about sex and dating by visiting and learning from sex workers. Probably moreso than if they were to avail themselves of the services of dating coaches. This is an interesting and controversial idea that is definitely worth exploring. Some might dismiss it because sex work has been deemed illegal in some jurisdictions and immoral in many more. But it definitely shouldn’t be summarily dismissed because there have been many recollections over the years, from many sources, about the therapeutic benefits of sex work and the relationships that can be gained from sex workers.

Personally, I appreciate the grocery store analogy. Just as people make poor decisions when they go into a shop with an empty stomach, so too is it possible to make some dubious choices when your sexual needs are not fulfilled to your desire. But let’s stop for a second here. Let’s make it clear that there is nobody else in charge of our individual sexual needs than us. Prospective sexual partners are not like products on a grocery shelf. You don’t just get to pick and choose to fill your belly—or wet your cock.

Moving past stigma

That said, it could be a very positive thing if men were encouraged, instead of stigmatized and, depending where, prosecuted for visiting a sex worker. If having sexual desires fulfilled were to make men more able to relate to potential partners without the societal pressures that come with being a” man,” then they might learn more empathy, more compassion and more overall understanding. OF THEMSELVES.

Yes, the real problem in the sexual and dating difficulties that men experience is not the societal pressures or expectations, it is how each individual reacts to those influences. Sure, some problems are near universal in similarity, but they aren’t all universal to every man. And the problem that needs a solution is how men, individually, react to the various influences they are exposed to. Those reactions need to change. And the proposition here is that men’s reactions can be changed if they are exposed to positive sexual experiences wherein they can have experiences that suit their desires and are conducted in a stigma and shame-free environment.

What do you think? Would this help men become better people? Because we need this. We need men to lift themselves up. We need men to act and react better.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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