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Dealing With A Low Libido

Dealing With A Low Libido

Let’s just get something out of the way, right off the bat. Nobody can be horny all the time. Nobody can want sex every single day. Sure, some might want it a lot...but an impossible standard of sexual excitation has been established that is not reasonable. Too many people fear they are not measuring up because their libido is not constantly raging. You are allowed rests.

However, there could be cause for concern if your libido is significantly diminished—and you wish it did rage a little more. Let’s not mistake this for people who are asexual or those who just do not desire sex with frequency. We’re talking about people with low libido who do want more...but just can’t seem to make that happen.

What causes low libido?

There are many different reasons for a diminished libido, some of which are unique in men and women, and some everybody can have in common. Some causes are physical and some are psychological. Sex is an act that involves connectedness between the mind and the body.

Here are some of the common reasons why your libido might be low:

Testosterone: This hormone controls sex drive in men. As guys age, their testosterone levels can decrease, with their libidos following suit. This can be treated with gels and supplements.

Medication: Many meds can lower libido in both men and women. There are too many to list here, but if you start a new medication and one of the side effects is lower sex drive, be sure to ask your doctor for further clarification.

Birth Control Pills: One specific prescription that affects women’s libidos is birth control pills. They lower levels of estrogen and testosterone, both of which affect the sex drives. I suppose they are pretty effective if they make you not even want sex…

Stress: It can be really hard to concentrate on sexytime thoughts and impulses when you have a huge project at work, have been fighting with your teenaged children or even just a bad day. Stress can be an overwhelming emotion that even something as strong as sexual desire cannot break through.

Sleep Difficulties: Not getting adequate sleep is a problem that can affect many different parts of your life—including your libido. Not getting the sleep you need can leave you irritable and upset. It may not be a matter of low libido if people don’t want to sleep with you.

Inadequate Nutrition: Skipping meals, relying on fast food or even eating too much can all have negative affects on your sexual desire. Ensure that all of the required nutrients are coursing through your veins can help improve libido. Some specific foods that are reputed to help include: watermelon, berries, chickpeas and red wine and licorice. A balanced, portion-sensible diet is probably more valuable.

Feelings of Inadequacy: This, unfortunately, can be a circular problem. If you don’t think you’re being sexual enough you will potentially diminish your libido further by putting stress on yourself. The more stress you experience, the more inadequate you feel...and around and around we go. Should you experience these symptoms, it is recommended you consult a mental health professional.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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