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Three Keys To Awesome Fisting

Three Keys To Awesome Fisting

There are definitely some things you should not do on a first date:

  1. Don’t make racist comments (well, don’t do that ever)
  2. Don’t make your exes sound like saints on earth you’d crawl back to in an instant
  3. Don’t suggest fisting as an icebreaker

Okay, there are many different sexual activities that could fall into that number 3 spot, pretty much anything someone would label as “extreme.” Sure, our opinions of different sex acts are changing. Think of how taboo anal sex used to be and now it has definitely entered the mainstream. There are a select number of acts, however, that still have a ways to go before they get trotted out as casual dinner conversation between people who have just met.

Fisting is one of them. An intimate and wildly pleasurable act, it is, however, a type of sex that requires not only physical endurance, but also great communication. And chances are, you are not going to have that level of comfort with someone you just met.

What is fisting?

For those who aren’t aware, fisting is the act of placing an entire hand in the vagina or anus of yourself or another person. Usually you fist another person, but it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that some can fist themselves. There are also great fisting toys available. We’re going to focus on pleasuring someone else here.

Three keys to fisting

There are three keys to making fisting not only possible but also highly pleasurable. If you’re missing any of these, the chances are you’re going to end up with your partner feeling some level of discomfort.

  1. Patience. When you think about endurance sex, fisting is the top of the list. It can take a long time to fully insert your hand into someone else’s body. And it is utterly important that you take that time. You have to take fisting slowly and not rush. Speed equals hurt in this equation.
  2. Lube. Get yourself a big bottle of lube ready and waiting (and preferably warmed!) when you’re preparing to enter your partner. Whether you’re penetrating a vagina or anus, you will need to be generously slathered up to ensure your partner feels nothing but good things. Not enough lube will make stretching that tight orifice all the more difficult. And be sure to keep adding lube throughout the process. No amount of natural lubrication will be enough to ensure you do not unexpectedly irritate, rip or tear your partner.
  3. Communication. There are some types of sex wherein body language and sounds can give you a decent understanding of your partner’s preferences and pleasures - although talking is always the BEST form of sexual communication. Fisting though requires a steady stream of dialogue to ensure things are progressing at the right speed, enough lube is being used, if anything hurts and much more. This isn’t to say your conversing has to be sterile and medical. You can definitely make check in talk sexy and fun. Just be sure that it is also clear and concise in terms of needs and desires.

Fisting is definitely not for everyone, not only because some people simply cannot accept a hand into their vagina or anus, but also because it is an intense experience. However, if you are curious about how that level of penetration feels, follow those three guides to a potentially mind-blowing experience!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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