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Backdoor Revisited: Try These Different Anal Toys

Backdoor Revisited: Try These Different Anal Toys

Everybody loves discovering something new and fun. It is just like when we’re young and we find a new park or toy. So exciting! As adults, our opportunities to explore and uncover new treasures becomes limited and stifled by work and bills and generally being grown-up. Booo!

Fortunately, there is one aspect of being an adult that does offer unlimited possibilities when it comes to exploration and discovery—sex! Through sex we can find so many different ways to enjoy our bodies, other peoples’ bodies or even just watching sex from afar! The sexual world is open to all.

And we’re seeing people explore more and more. Many different types of sex have become much more popular in recent years as dialogue opens up. One of the most significant of which is anal sex. Folks have really taken to the erotic and pleasure potential of bum fun.

Of course, as with many different types of sex, anal pleasure is greatly improved by the inclusion of sex toys—for every type of body. Featuring specific shapes and sizes, anal toys have really taken off and have become quite popular. Anal dildos, butt plugs and anal beads are now frequent additions to people’s pleasure chests.

But let’s not think these are the only options for a big-time backdoor bonanza! There are many different types of anal sex products out there to add the extra exotic element to any sexy situation.

Check out this other types of anal stimulation sensations.

Anal Vibrators

Anal Vibrators

Many people think that vibes are exclusively for female-bodies folks who enjoy clitoral stimulation. No way! Everybody can have a great time with vibrators and they can be used all over the body for different experiences. This includes the whole anal area. Now, the feeling of vibration inside your bum can be an acquired taste. For people with prostates, vibration can feel awesome on the prostate. But you shouldn’t feel out of place if the sensation is too much inside of you. Instead, try those sweet buzzy feeling on the outside of your anus and your perineum. Combine this amazing feeling with oral or hand sex and you’ll be seeing stars in no time.

Glass Anal Toys

Glass Anal Toys

Glass sex toys are somewhat understood. No, they’re not going to break inside you. No, they’re not too hard. Glass toys are manufactured to be extremely solid and strong. It is extremely unlikely you’ll ever see one break, let alone inside you. Yes, they are hard, but that is the point. Glass sex toys are designed for those folks who enjoy a feeling of fullness and a firm pressure. This combination can be fantastic for anal exploration. The firm body can stretch the anus to just the right degree and the inflexible length and girth can reach your hotspots consistently. Glass toys can take some working up to, particularly anally, but once you do, you’ll never look back.

Inflatable Anal Toys

Inflatable Anal Toys

If you’re experienced with anal sex already, you’ll understand this conundrum quite well. One of the limitations of anal sex is that you can only fit into your ass when your anus is willing to open up for. Now, that hole can really expand. However, it is not willing. At the same time, your anal cavity is able to accept quite a lot. So, if you like to be really filled but can’t get something big enough through your hole, there are special sex toys just for you: inflatable anal toys! Simply insert and then pump (sound familiar?). Inflatable pump toys give you the best of both worlds. You don’t overwhelm your anus, while still enjoying the pressure the smaller part of the toy puts there. And then on the inside, you can pump that toy as big as you need to feel full and satisfied.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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