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The Perch Sex Position

The Perch Sex Position

Chairs are a great addition as sexual furniture. They are very versatile, especially for positions like The Perch sex position. She has instructed him to sit on the chair. Waiting anxiously, he wonders what she is up to when music floods the room. Out of the bedroom she comes, draped only in a sheer scarf. She begins to dance around him, seducing him, sending his libido through the roof. She lets every part of her body touch him, but he’s not allowed to touch her - these are the rules. As the song comes to an end, she focuses her attention on his cock and balls. She rubs them between her asscheeks before aiming them to a more wet and tight place. As he sits on the chair, she glides his cock in and out of her, using her strong dancer’s legs to bounce up and down.

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