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The Crossed Keys Sex Position

The Crossed Keys Sex Position

Manipulating your partner’s body during sex can be silly and fun - and maybe even introduce new sensations! The Crossed Keys sex position will let him play with her sexy legs while at the same time squeezing them together for something new. She knew she wanted him while waiting in the bedroom. As he enters, she sits, naked on the edge of the bed. As he approaches, he gets hard, and while standing before her, she strokes him to a full and hot erection. Both want that inside her now, so she leans back and lifts her legs. He takes one foot on each shoulder and enters her steamy pussy. Once inside, he pulls her ankles off his shoulders and crosses her legs. The movement squeezes her clit and his cock. He does it again, crossing her legs in the other direction. Again the squeezing is hot and sexy. He’s on to something and continues it all through their hot sex until they release in exploding orgasms.

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