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Introducing Watersports - The Erotic World Of Golden Showers

Introducing Watersports - The Erotic World Of Golden Showers

For some folks, sex is a pretty cut and dried concept. They like penetration, they like orgasms, they like pleasure that could generally be described as “normal.” Vulvas, breasts, penises and skin. This is what gets them off and that it great.

Others though derive pleasure from other, more diverse, bodily expressions. These instances are more commonly referred to as kinks, fetishes or paraphilias. These sexy people need more than the “normal” to enjoy sexual pleasure. The need or desire for this can vary greatly from person to person. The activities folks get off to also features a huge selection of curious and carnal things. One of those, in particular, is definitely not for the cut and dried—they’d much rather get wet.

Urolagnia, otherwise known as watersports or piss play, is a paraphilia that still lives in the land of taboo for many. Pee pleasure can encompass many different things, including watching someone pee, being pissed on or pissing on someone, or even taking someone’s urine internally, via the mouth, vagina or anus.

Because urine is an excrement, many folks fear involving it in sexual play. However, it is actually one of the more popular paraphilias. To balance these two thoughts out, it makes to assume that experimenting with urine play does not present a significant health concern. But as with all things sexual, that can be said when you do take the necessary precautions and act responsibly.

Check out these tips for hot and safe piss play:

Introduce the idea over time.

Just as with many other types of sex, it is not a good idea at all to spring piss play on your partner. In fact, you would likely be looking at the end of your relationship if you suddenly peed on them. Because there is such strong stigma associated with this paraphilia, you will need to discuss the possibility of playing with pee, and then have conversations about it—whether you want to be the one pissing or receiving. People are definitely challenged by the idea of being pissed on, but they can be just as concerned about the idea of being the one doing the pissing too.

The shower is the best

There is no better place to begin your experimentation with watersports than in a shower together. Even if everybody is open to the idea, minds might change quickly once it starts and it is very helpful to be able to wash the urine away in an instant. Trying it in the great outdoors is also a possibility—if you know you can be discreet about it. Getting caught can be majorly embarrassing. If you and your partner really love the sensations of watersports, you can try these games anywhere you want. Of course, be prepared to do significant clean up afterwards.

Health concerns

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for healthy and considerate piss play:


  • Dilute your urine before watersports sexytime by drinking plenty of water an hour before you begin
  • Be open and honest about your health with your playmate before you start—pee can carry Hepatitis B
  • Prepare numerous towels beforehand...and plan to have a shower afterwards


  • Drink your partner’s urine if you are currently dehydrated—the piss will make it worse
  • Surprise your partner with a suddenly, undiscussed blast of pee
  • Use any diuretic drugs as part of your play
About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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