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The Erotic V Sex Position

 The Erotic V Sex Position

The Erotic V sex position is a sensual coupling that evokes strength, flexibility and spontaneity. Imagine a man taking his partner in his arms while the two are locked in a passionate kiss. He lifts her by her hips and gently places her on the edge of a table or counter. She is wet and ready for him, and his penis presses against her. As he holds her back, steadying her for his cock, she lifts one leg over his shoulder. Leaning back, he leans down to take her nipple in his mouth, his penis sliding a little deeper into her pussy. She pulls his lips back up to her mouth and simultaneously swings her other leg up over his shoulder. She embraces his neck, holding him tight while he penetrates her deeply. His hands find her soft ass and he thrusts in and out of her.

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