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The Fantastic Rocking Horse Sex Position

The Fantastic Rocking Horse Sex Position

The Fantastic Rocking Horse sex position combines the wonderful worlds of sexual sights and sensation. From his vantage point, he experiences the power and lust of a woman on top of him. Her pleasure can come from being in control and his open body. With him kneeling on the floor, leaning back on his hands, she can see his eager penis ready and waiting for her. Climbing up his body, perhaps stopping on the way for other delicious fun, their skin rubs together in so many ways, in so many places. As she mounts him, straddling his strong thighs, she can lean in for a kiss as her pussy hovers over his cock. She’s in control here, able to extend the situation as long as she wants. Slowly or quickly, however she wants to make this pleasure hers, she can embrace his hard penis with her warm quim. With legs enveloping his body, arms around his shoulder, she guides him in and rides him through both of their pleasure.

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