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The Prone Tiger Sex Position

The Prone Tiger Sex Position

Sometimes sex is as much about excitement and thrill as it is about comfort and relaxation. The Prone Tiger sex position isn’t going to leave you breathless, but it just might leave you in a state of bliss. Her back was full of tension from a difficult day. He suggested she lay on the bed and he’d take care of her. Stretched out on her stomach, he rubs up and down her body, working those difficult spots. She loves his hands on her in all ways. Moving behind her, he slips between her legs and massages her lower back. She takes hold of his legs as he moves them up either side of her. Pulling her back further, her vulva makes contact with his stiff penis and he uses one hand to keep up the massage and the other to position himself for entry. With a gasp, he slides her down on him and as they slowly rock together, he moves both hands up to continue the massage.

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