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Vibrators Are For Everyone - Including Men!

Vibrators Are For Everyone - Including Men!

It is all too easy for us to try and fit things in neat little boxes. And yes, we’re going to talk about vibrators today, but we’re not talking about boxes. Quite the opposite, rather. Let’s take a look at why vibration toys are great for everybody to play with!

If you take a look back at the history of sex toys, the invention of the vibrator has to rank pretty high on the list of major accomplishments. Sure, we have to remember that they were created as a medical treatment for the so-called ailment of “hysteria” in women, but it didn’t take long for folks to realize that they feel great and provide significant sexual pleasure.

The weird thing is, over the decades that have followed, vibrator use has been considered a woman’s sexual activity. Vibrators are marketed distinctly to women, or, more accurately, to men who want to give them to or use them with women. Rarely have there been vibration toys that are designed for or geared toward men.

And that is a damn shame!

Because we’ve established this box, guys are missing out on some extremely pleasurable sexytimes because they haven’t turned that magic wand around on to their own bodies. There are many ways for a man to enjoy vibration play and get amazing results from even the most simple vibrator.


After a hard day, at work or at play, a vibrator can help take all of your pain away. Receiving a massage with a vibrator—or even giving it to yourself—is a great way to relax after dealing with the stresses of life. In fact, the famous Hitachi Magic Wand is actually meant to be a body massager and mail order catalogues used to feature vibrators under the guise of massagers. Use them all over your body for both relief and stimulation.

Penis Pleasure

Although vibrators aren’t typically marketed toward men, curiousity will often take over for guys when they are playing with their partners. Or maybe the partner will know some tricks! Regardless whoever initiates, a vibrator can feel fantastic on a penis. You can run it up and down the shaft or focus specifically on certain parts, the feeling can go from pleasure to hot to intense in moments. Try using a regular vibrator and holding along the length of the shaft. Hold it with two hands and stroke up and down. Amazing! Or, hold the penis firmly and directly stimulate the frenulum. He might orgasm from this alone. Be careful around the testicle though, many men do not enjoy vibration in that area.

Anal Pleasure

If you or your partner are curious about anal play but don’t know where to start, a vibrator is a great way to knock on that backdoor as an introduction. A gentle vibe traced all around the ass cheek and then slowing moving closer to his butthole can be an extremely erotic adventure. And if you take a little detour and stimulate his perineum, he’ll actually be getting his first taste of prostate stimulation. One note: it is best if you leave the vibrator off when entering his ass for the first few times. That is just a little too intense. Let him try that on his own first as many people don’t enjoy vibration inside their ass. But the outside can be outstanding!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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