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The Silky Feel of Cyberskin

The Silky Feel of Cyberskin

As long as we’ve been having sex, we’ve been searching for alternatives that could replace sex with other people. Now, most of the time the devices we come up with are meant to be used as the next best thing when other people aren’t available (though some folks might actually be eager to move beyond other people too!). However, the search for a substitute has gone on forever with very little luck. It is very hard to replicate the delicate sensations of skin, bone, natural lubrication and all of the other intangibles that make sex so damn good.

This isn’t to say there hasn’t been some success. Dildos, used by both women and men, do create a fairly reasonable facsimile of fucking. The shape is there and the texture is pretty good. Dildos give folks a way to experience penetration that comes as close as possible.

How to get that real feeling

But what about folks who want to be penetrating? That has been one of the golden grails of solo sex—and that is surprising given that men are the most usual possessors of penis and men, well, really love to stick those penises in things. Like, all the time. And they have, over the years. Let’s not get into all of the unusual and unique substitutes that fellas have deemed “good enough” to try and fuck. Some have been odd, some have been painful looking... and some have been illegal and cringe-worthy. Or it can be summed up this way: if it exists, somebody has tried to bang it.

Fortunately, we’ve got science to thank for a revolutionary material that feels as close to being inside a vagina, mouth or anus as anything has ever done before. Cyberskin (and other similar materials under other names) is a remarkably soft and pliable material that is most famously associated with the wildly successful Fleshlight masturbator.

Cyberskin is a type of thermoplastic, a substance that warms up wonderfully with friction. Soft to the touch and elastic like real skin, Cyberskin surpasses even silicone or other popular sex toy materials. And regardless how vigorously you play with it, Cyberskin will bounce back to its original shape instantly.

How to care for Cyberskin

Because Cyberskin includes silicone, it is important to only use water-based lubricants when enjoying the significant pleasures it offers. If you used silicone lube, it will breakdown your Cyberskin toy—you won’t want that! There are also some specific instructions for caring for your toy. It should be washed out after every use, and then dusted with cornstarch and stored away from other toys in a cool, dark place. Sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it is worth it!

Cyberskin can be so successfully moulded into life-like shapes and designs, some folks are a little freaked out by how realistic it actually appears. Really, you can create almost any shape you want—sex-based images or otherwise. So, if you really did enjoy more, umm, unusual, objects, well, maybe you’ll find it in a Cyberskin design!

Cyberskin really is one of those reasons to exclaim “I love fucking science!”

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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