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Tips To Increase Intimacy

Tips To Increase Intimacy

It is sad when relationships that were strong, loving and sexy fall away from these great feelings. One of the main culprits in this relationship challenge is a loss of intimacy. There are many different reasons why this can happen, including stress, financial challenges, kids and so much more. But another sometimes overlooked cause of lagging closeness is general complacency. It is great to want comfort and ease in a relationship (don’t we all?), but sometimes those feelings of security lead to problems with romantic laziness. You know you love your partner, and you know your partner knows that. So, after time, we can get a little lax in the passion and intimacy department. And, unfortunately, some good people lose out on great relationships and great sex.

If you worry that this might be happening to you and your partner, here are some easy things the two of you can enjoy together that will hopefully return some of the intimacy that has been lost.

Talk to each other

This is both the easiest and hardest thing to do with someone you’ve been involved with for a long time. Sure, you talk all the time. The jobs, the weather, the television shows...but do you ever really talk to each other? Do you share desires, passions, wants and needs? Are you vulnerable enough to share secrets? And just as important, do you actively listen to all of the same things from your partner? For some reason, people are more likely to open up to partners in the early stages of relationships, and then somehow become less open as years pass. Be sure to keep that bridge of meaningful conversation open.

Massages and baths

Hot water and attentive hands are two of the best ways to convey both deep feelings and sexual desire. Baths require you to be naked together, maintaining a vulnerability that some people need to open up. Baths are also warm and comforting. That nudity also reminds you of the sexy body your partner possesses and will likely make you want to touch it! So, then it is a good time to move to the bedroom and give each other sensual massages. Running your hands all over your partner’s body will turn the both of you on and relax you. There might not be a lot of talking going on here, but sustained physical contact is known to create greatly intimate feelings in both parties.

Write dirty letters (not sexting)

So much communication these days is electronic. Texts, emails, Facebook messages. It is easy to fall into the habit of using this impersonal mode of communication with your partner as well. Even sexy talk has been replaced with sexting that can be received anywhere on your phone. That convenience is great and can produce some steamy situations, but it can also be viewed as lacking intimacy. If you really want to shimmy the underwear off your partner with words, try writing an old fashioned note or letter. Yes, on paper! With ink or a pencil! Your words declaring love and lust on an actual physical object will mean so much more than a throw-away text.

There are many other ways to maintain intimacy, but all involve one general concept: you gotta work at it. Intimacy is not a given between two people, so you have to put in an effort. But trust, when you do, the results will be amazing.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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