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The Best Ways To Have Quickie Sex

The Best Ways To Have Quickie Sex

Sometimes, you’ve just gotta have it. Whether you or your partner are the first to blink and initiate is entirely up to the situation you’re in, but I think everyone can agree that super spontaneous sex is a thrill like no other.

What is a quickie?

More commonly known as a quickie, heat of the moment sex can be exciting for a couple of reasons. First, unless you happen to be completely into quickies, they aren’t something that happens all the time, and can be a fantastic way to break out of the routine sex we often find ourselves in. At the same time, quickie sex can often involve the breaking of taboos that might normally exist in your relationship (and society). They often involve sex outside, or in a venue other than your home, the potential for exhibitionism and a general primal lust that might not conform to the love and care your relationship normally involves. Breaking these normal restrictions can just add a whole new level of hot to an already sexy situation.

Tips for getting it on and getting out fast

Before we get into some of the hottest sex positions, let’s consider clothing. It would be really easy for everybody to be enjoying quickie sex all the time if sweats, gym clothes or skirts were socially acceptable for everybody to wear. But we’re not at that stage where dressing for sex is the thing—we’re still dressing to find sex. So, if you think a quickie might be possible, the aforementioned skirts are a must and comfortable, casual pants are helpful. Anything with too many buttons is going to be a pain in the ass and while jeans look good on everybody, they are the only exception to the button rule because jeans with zippers can be downright dangerous and uncomfortable during and after quickie sex.

One last thing: sex can be messy. Everybody has fluids and those fluids can get everywhere—particularly if you’re wearing dark colours. And try as you might, they do not wash off easily! Also, a little bit of lube can also make a quickie a lot smoother and more enjoyable. So, take care , even in the heat of passion, especially if you plan to go out and mingle with people after. Also remember that those fluids are going to be around after you’re done as well. The idea of women not wearing panties is super hot, but they really are essential for the post quickie drips.

Now, the best position, wherever you are, for quickie sex is standing doggie style. It definitely allows the easiest penetration, the best control and the most comfort. Whether you have your partner bent over a car, against a tree or your buddies’ bathroom sink, this one is a classic. There is also great potential in either of you reaching around to add some extra stimulation to your partner’s penis or clitoris in doggie.

Another super hot quickie position is riding. Depending on your sexual configuration, one partner climbing on top of a male partner’s hard shaft can be amazing and even potentially discreet. It is also one of the ways one partner can instantly dominate the other by just taking control of the moment and making it all about sex.

Finally, let’s not forget that quickies do not have to be penetration! Dropping to your knees for a surprise blowjob, reaching in to pleasure a clit, a hidden handjob...these can all be hot as hell when they come out of nowhere in an unexpected place. They can also be extremely gratifying on there own...or a prelude of more to come.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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