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All Of The Amazing Feelings - Sex While High

All Of The Amazing Feelings - Sex While High

People have been “using” outfits, products, lotions, potions and pretty much everything else in the world to further develop sex and sexual sensation forever. If there is a way to enhance and further the enjoyment of sexytimes, we, as a species, will figure it out and make it happen. We’ll wear it, lick it, swallow it, drink it, snort it, smoke it and, if it ever comes to this, roll around in it while singing the entire Aerosmith discography if it means better, hotter sex.

So, it should be no surprise that many people enjoy different types of intoxication to enable greater sexual thrills. Alcohol and drugs can provide many different sensations—depending on your mood and what you choose to consume—some of which can be significantly sexual. One of the most divisive is marijuana.

Friend of Mary Jane?

Some people love weed, others have no time of day for it. I’m not talking prohibition and being anti-drug, rather, for some folks pot just doesn’t do anything. We’re all individuals and have different reactions to different chemicals introduced into our bodies. And some people just don’t get anything from marijuana.

Other folks definitely enjoy the green though, potentially in many different parts of their lives—sex included. One of pot’s main attributes is relaxation and stress-relief, and as noted in her week of sex and pot, one of author Anna Pulley’s main reasons for embarking on her research was the need to “get out of her head” during sex.

A good distraction

Many people—not just women but men as well—suffer diminished sexual satisfaction because they can’t take their mind off of the swirl of other things that envelope the rest of their days. Finances, work problems, kids, Game of Thrones, anticipation of an upcoming vacation—other life happenings both good and bad can take over our minds at the most inopportune moments. Even the best oral sex in the world can fall flat and dry if sex isn’t the primary thing on your mind.

Marijuana can help with that. Weed can cause your whole body to chill, including your mind. Those racing thoughts will be much more controlled, and possibly even disappear after a couple of tokes or nibbling on an edible. It can help you let go and enjoy the moment.

Fine line to sleepiness

Of course, there is different potential side effect with pot that also affects many people. For some, those couple of tokes will be enough to put you on your back—but not in the sexy way. On your back and asleep! Weed is sometimes ultra relaxing for people, and while you will probably stop thinking your swirling daytime thoughts, they’ll more likely be replaced with wild dreams, not the sexy thoughts you were hoping for.

All that said, if you are someone who enjoys marijuana already, it is definitely worth doing your own hot, high and horny sex experiments. If you and a partner are both down with getting high beforehand, try different types of sex and even the different types of products mentioned in the article. It is interesting that there are cannabis products that will create just a body high, as opposed to always pulling your head into it! Or, if you’d rather see how it goes with some smoke on your own, experiment by getting high and masturbating. You will probably learn a lot about your body.

Enjoy the trip!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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