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The Triumph Arch Sex Position

The Triumph Arch Sex Position

Just because you’re already joined in sexual bliss, doesn’t mean all of her attention is only on your genitals. Some sex positions, like The Triumph Arch sex position, allow for continual close contact and touch. He sits on the bed, legs out in front of him, waiting for her to descend onto his hard member. As she moves her body onto his, arms wrapped around to his back, he takes each of her nipples into his mouth, slowly suckling and pleasuring. Once she has arrived, fully filled by his penis, he too wraps his arms around her and they kiss deeply as he begins to rock under her. Gently, he lowers her, bending her back to his legs. As their kiss breaks, his mouth moves further down until he, once again, finds her breasts. This time he keeps those nipples in his mouth as he slowly moves within her.

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