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What Makes Certain Words Sexier Than Others?

What Makes Certain Words Sexier Than Others?

Have you ever stopped to think about the sexiness of words? It is often said that the brain is the sexiest part of the body, and I am not about to disagree. It is in our thoughts that the most delicious sexual thoughts emerge. We spend a lot more time having sex in our brains than we do with our bodies, and in all of that time certain words and phrases are bound to come to the fore as just plain hot for you.

Attendees at a recent sex bloggers conference were asked to share the words they found most sexy and I am sure you’ll be a bit surprised by the results. I won’t spoil the surprise, just take a look for yourselves! There’s a word there, noted more than once, that some consider challenging or downright offensive. But that is the true joy of sex in our much more open age—everyone can have theirs and it is all good!

The sound of sex

So, what makes a word sexy? For some, it is the sound the word makes as it rolls off your tongue. Many people are drawn to the soft letters that get them going. Some of the more common are the ‘s’ sound in sensual or the ‘wh’ sound in whisper. The breathiness of these combinations hearken back to an age of screen sirens and soft-spoken heroes.

For others, hard letter sounds are the ones that get them, well, hard or wet. These are more direct sounds that evoke a sense of urgency and passion. The hard ‘c’ of cock and the sharp ‘b’ in bite both conjure thoughts of rough pleasure. The soft sounds are more akin to a long and luxurious session of lovemaking in front of a fireplace while the harder sounds are all about hooking up in the bathroom of a punk rock show.

The look of sex

Sounds aren’t the only reasons people are draw to particular words. A big part of word appeal is actually watching people say specific words. In some ways, we all move our mouths the same way to make certain sounds. At the same time, we are all individuals who have developed certain speech patterns and movements that speak to our personalities. Have you ever really watched our lover talk? Try it sometime. You’ll see that certain words will make them smile or frown. Sometimes they’ll curl their lips in certain ways, or pucker up at just the right moment. You’ll be surprised by just how sexy it can be to watch somebody’s mouth in motion.

Let’s not discount another important way words can become very sexy.—words are power. Words bring to life fantasy but they also confront challenges. For many, being able to speak about sex is pushed out of us when we are young. We are taught to not talk about sex and to not ask for what we want in sex. This is hard learning to overcome. However, our new sexy age is giving many people their sexual voice back. People are learning to ask for what they want and, more importantly, decline what they do not want. So, maybe, the two sexiest words are ‘yes’ and ‘no.’

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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