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Managing Tech In The Bedroom

Managing Tech In The Bedroom

There’s just no denying our reliance on our personal technology. It used to be that people had to go sit at a desk, dial a modem and wait for a connection to access the internet. There was a concerted effort. Nowadays, everything has changed. People can be online at any given moment. Got a question? Look it up. Need an address? Map it. Have a food craving? Get reviews. Desire a hook-up? See who’s nearby. Our devices are making our lives both easier and harder.

For many, one of the hardest things to do at the end of the day is put our phones down and just go to bed. Instead up of heading to the bathroom to brush our teeth and then slipping into our comfy pyjamas and settling in with a book, folks are continuing with their phone, checking social media and other activities. This is not inherently a problem, some will use their phones and devices to help fall asleep. However, others are remaining to connected and their sleep patterns are starting to be affected.

But it isn’t just sleep that happens in bed. Some are suggesting that people are enjoying their phones in bed more often than their partners. And it makes sense. If sleep patterns are being interrupted, then it stands to reason that these little machines are going to start getting in the way of sexytimes as well.

So far there hasn’t been much research that might prove or disprove this theory. This would be a great research study to pursue if there are any sex researchers reading out there. Are couples sex lives being affected by one or both of them not being able to put down their internet boxes? Are people forgoing intimacy to pursue online connection instead? And, what is it people would rather be looking at instead of having sex with their partner?

If this is a true thing, we’re going to have to act fast to suggest and provide recommendations for people to avoid or remedy the situation. Just think about how fast smartphones and tablets were adopted. People love these things and getting them off them will be a challenge. Here are some ideas to control technology use in the bedroom:

Turn off notifications: It would be terribly distracting to have a ringtone constantly chime whilst you try to have sexytime with your partner. Neither of you will be able to concentrate. While it may be a challenge, muting your notifications will ensure you both pay attention to the action at hand.

Embrace the device: Look, if you really can’t go without your device being nearby, then put it to your advantage. Download some sexy ebooks to read together or surf porn. If you’re into it, swipe through some cruising sites and look for people you’re both interested in. Still, you’ll need to be sure to ignore notifications from other sites—you don’t want to mix up a hookup request with a conversation with Grandma!

Just turn it off: I know, I know, we’re talking about incorporating or tolerating your device in the bedroom. The other option is to just disconnect for a while. Just let the world go by. It will all be there when you get back. Trust me. But right here, right now, your partner is waiting. Now, doesn’t a body to touch look more appealing than a screen?

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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