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The Benefits of Role Play

The Benefits of Role Play

Have you ever fantasized about your partner being someone... different? Oh, you’d still like them to be them... but different. Maybe you’d like some subtle short-term changes, like a different outfit, or maybe you want them to be altogether different. Whatever your present situation, it is only natural to want some variety—even if you love your partner dearly.

One great way to add a bit of a different flavour to your sex life is to enjoy some role play! It can be very sexy and liberating if you, your partner or both of you take on a different persona or characteristics to bring a new situation into the bedroom.

What is role play?

Imagine a scene in a bar. A man sits alone at the bar. The bartender interrupts and gives him a fresh drink. He tells the bartender he didn’t order the beverage and the bartender points to a beautiful woman down at the end of the bard. She waves, gets up, walks over and introduces herself. He offers the barstool next to him. She accepts and they strike up a conversation.

This sounds like a fairly typical hook-up in a bar but there is something a bit different happening here. Yes, it is a hook-up, but it has been prearranged. At home, in their bedroom. You see, these two folks are acting out a very popular type of role play. The “let’s meet and pretend we’re strangers” role play. Role play is any situation that gives you or your partner or both of you the opportunity to act outside of your own personality.

Where can we get ideas for role play?

Everywhere! You can think of everyday situations, like going to the doctor, the mechanic, the restaurant—any humdrum boring task and think how you can sexify the whole thing into a hot scene. Or you can work out a very elaborate scene, involve plot and specific character attributes that need to be acted out. Some of the most popular characters are firemen, nurses, teachers and more. Everyday people can be very sexy in the right context. You can also take scenarios from books, movies or even porn. There really is no end of inspirations for role play. Just think of people or situations that turn you on.

What do you need for role play?

Well, the only true things you need for a role play adventure are your imagination and consenting partners. It is important to not just push a role play situation on someone who is either not interested or unaware of what is about to happen. After there, the sky is the limit. You might want to invest in costumes and lingerie to add to the realism. Our you might want to live your role play out by simply talking your way through it. Some folks like to take things a step further and take their role play out on the town—literally. You can hit a bar, go to a show or even just rent a room to add to the fantasical element of role play.

Ultimately, the key to role play is a fun imagination and complete consent between players. This is not to say role play has to be all serious. Of course not! Have fun with it and make of the situation whatever you like. These are your fantasies to go wild with.

Role-play can make your relationship stronger by letting you both explore fantasies in a safe way. You can even add things like men's sex toys to make it even more exciting. Just make sure everyone agrees and enjoys it, so it adds to the fun instead of making things awkward.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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