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Ways In Which Masturbation Can Improve Your Health

Ways In Which Masturbation Can Improve Your Health

Is everybody enjoying #MasturbationMonth this year? Pretty sure I hear the sound of one hand clapping!

There is absolutely no doubt as to the primary purpose of most people self-solve sexytimes. Masturbation feels fantastic! It has to rank right up there with some of our most basic, primal pleasure, like a really good nap or a fantastic meal.

However, did you know that a good wank or rub combines both pleasure and health benefits? That’s right, there’s a good chance you’ve been contributing to your own well-being since those sneaky days under the covers in your room.

Check out there important ways masturbation can help you live your best life, in and out of the bedroom.

Reduces Stress

Who among us can say that they aren’t dealing with stress every damn day of their lives? I’m guessing that number is super small and you all know each other and have fantastic, stress-free parties together. The rest of us, on the other hairy-palmed hand, have to deal with work stress, family stress, money stress, commuting stress, school stress and countless other challenges every damn day. Instead of letting those challenges get to you all the time, when possible, carve out some moments to indulge in some true “me” time. Those stressful feelings will melt away.

Get Some Better Sleep

A good sleep is something that does evade too many of us, too often. Most people have trouble falling asleep at the end of the day. This is not surprising. Our brains are absorbing so much, all of the time, that it can be hard to truly “turn off.” A little bit of self-love at the end of the day can be the perfect way to escape to a little oasis of pleasure, and connect with just your body, and nothing else. Escaping from all of your other thoughts can better ease your way to a restful sleep.


Improve Muscle Tone in your Pelvis

Pelvic health is something that is too often ignored. When considering pelvic health, we too often focus on improving our sex lives through Kegel exercises. However, there is much more to think about. Masturbation is a natural, Kegel exercise, one that you don’t even need to think about. But the contractions and squeezing you achieve through pleasurable touch can benefit your sexual function, pelvic floor and your anal function.

Relieve Menstrual Cramps

For those out there who do enduring the monthly challenges of menstruation, have you tried masturbation as a pain-relief technique during your period? While it may not work for everybody, there is potential that masturbation might alleviate some muscle tension and other symptoms. Perhaps it has to do with the release of pleasure hormones during sex, or maybe it is just the pleasure of muscle tension relief.

Helps You Love Yourself

So much of our lives are tied into sex. Sex is everywhere in our media, in our conversations and in our relationships. It seems that every interaction we have has some kind of connection with sex. So, when there is a problem or a challenge, or something doesn’t go right for you and that situation involves sex, you just might find yourself feeling pretty down in the dumps. And feeling poorly about yourself in a sexual contest is particularly unpleasant. But one thing you’ll always have is your ability to make yourself feel better physically. When you pleasure yourself sexually, you will be reminded just how amazing you really are. Sure, we’re all going to have unpleasant times in our lives, and maybe our self-esteem will take a beating. But rest assured that you’ll always be able to make someone happy—you! And that will trickly own to other great wins.

Make Positive Changes To Your Sex Life

Masturbation is a truly underrated part of our partnered sex lives. Let’s not forget that self-love doesn’t have to be a solo situation. Sometimes it can be fantastic to touch yourself with your lover! Maybe both of you masturbating at the same time! Mutual masturbation is one of the best new things to try if you and your partner feel you’ve fallen into a rut. Not only is it super hot, but watching someone else give themselves pleasure is a great way to learn how you can touch them another time and take your joined sex life to new levels.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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